Evaluasi sistem penyetoran dan penarikan kas dari simpanan wadiah yad adh dhamanah pada BMT Muara Utama
Penulis Utama
Riski Faedatun
×BMT Muara Utama is a syariah financial institution that moves on society service. When running the operational activity, there is a system, which is expected could support BMT’s success that is cash depositing, withdrawal and sharing system, especially from money saving wadiah yad adh dhamanah that is more interesting for society than other money savings. This system needs special notice because it has high risk to be deceitful target. Beside, a system that is used in BMT Muara Utama has referred to SOP (Standard Operational Procedure). This research has purpose to find out and to understand the cash depositing and withdrawal system from money saving wadiah yad adh dhamanah of BMT Muara Utama.
In this research, I collected data by interviewing and observing toward cash depositing and withdrawal, which happen in BMT Muara Utama. Beside, I have done document study to several journals.
Based on the result of this result, I can conclude that the cash depositing and withdrawal system from money saving wadiah yad adh dhamanah of BMT Muara Utama is good enough but it needs some improvements to make it more effective and efficient. Beside I find several strengths, such as there is strict function separation, documents and accountancy book has been complete and appropriate, documents have used printed series number and it have been authorized by competent authorities so it is accountable for it sake. A good internal control and sharing system that is appropriate with Islam law. However, I also find it weaknesses such as there is no transparency in the sharing system; it has not given training for employees, under communication about the marketing of other money saving products, there is no sudden inspection and documents have not been in duplicate.
Based on the research, to make the cash depositing and withdrawal system from money saving wadiah yad adh dhamanah of BMT better, I recommend to BMT Muara Utama to make the sharing system transparent, it should give training for employees, and should promote other money saving products. It also need sudden inspection and documents should be in duplicate in order to make internal check.
Penulis Utama
Riski Faedatun
Penulis Tambahan
Evaluasi sistem penyetoran dan penarikan kas dari simpanan wadiah yad adh dhamanah pada BMT Muara Utama
Surakarta - F. Ekonomi - 2009
Program Studi
D-3 Akuntansi
UNS-F. Ekonomi prog. D III Akuntansi-F.3306087-2009
Kata Kunci
Jenis Dokumen
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Link DOI / Jurnal
1. Anas Wibawa SE, MSi, Ak
Catatan Umum
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