Kinerja pemerintah kota surakarta dalam pelaksanaan relokasi pedagang kaki lima di jalan ki hajar dewantara (belakang kampus universitas sebelas maret) surakarta
Penulis Utama
Icha Arie Maftukhah
×Street vendor seller is one of the informal business sector growing rapidly in Surakarta, where their existence is not proper with the lay out of the city that cause chaotic of the traffic and decreasing the quality of environment. Therefore, it needs an action towards the problem of street vendor seller in the backside area of Sebelas Maret University as an effort to be done by the official of Surakarta in organizing the street vendor seller in order to organize the street vendor seller to responsible towards the tidy, clean and well regulated for supporting the creation of Solo Berseri.
The purpose of this research is to know the workmanship of the official of Surakarta in carrying out the relocation of the street vendor seller in Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara (in the backside area of Sebelas Maret University) that will be removed to the new location in the backside of Jebres Sub district office and the phase that will be done in relocating the street vendor sellers in the backside of Sebelas Maret University.
The type of this research is qualitative descriptive. The location of the research is in Administration office of the street vendor seller, and the street vendor seller itself. The method of taking sample used is Purposive sampling. The method of data analysis used interactive data analysis. Whereas to examine the validity of the data used triangulation data. The data obtain from several sources through interview, documentation and observation.
From the result of the research, the workmanship of the official of Surakarta in organizing the street vendor seller based on Perda No.8 Tahun 1995 was done in form of development and organization program for the street vendor seller. Those realizations were described in the activity’s phase covering the socialization of the policy and organizing. The efforts that were done by the official of Surakarta in arranging and managing the street vendor seller such as, pre-relocation phase, building phase, and relocation phase. From those phases, it could be known that the workmanship of the official of Surakarta in development and organization program for the street vendor seller b in the backside area of Sebelas Maret University is less satisfying. It can be seen from the three criteria: it can be seen from the responsively, the workmanship of the official and the aspiration of the street vendor seller itself and it can keep proper between the program and the needs of the street vendor seller. However, the most important things to be paid attention by the official is how to accommodate the aspiration from the street vendor sellers such as they complain about the condition of the market. To reach the optimal workmanship, the official need to point a head market inside the location of the marketing order to accept complaint of the seller and he becomes the bridge between the Market Management Institution. Whereas, observed by the effectiveness, it is good enough because they has changed their behavior from the private business to think about future by considering the importance of public, it means that they has obeyed and done the rule and they disposed to be removed to the new location. The official is ready yet to show the accountability while the capital aid promised to the street vendor seller is cannot be cash up to this time.
Penulis Utama
Icha Arie Maftukhah
Penulis Tambahan
Kinerja pemerintah kota surakarta dalam pelaksanaan relokasi pedagang kaki lima di jalan ki hajar dewantara (belakang kampus universitas sebelas maret) surakarta
Surakarta - F.ISIP - 2009
Program Studi
S-1 Ilmu Administrasi Negara
UNS-F.ISIP Jur. Ilmu Administrasi -D.0105079-2009
Kata Kunci
Jenis Dokumen
Link DOI / Jurnal
1. Drs. Is Hadri Utomo, M.Si
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