Agitator untuk pembuatan minyak kelapa murni (virgin coconut oil) dari santan buah kelapa secara batch
Penulis Utama
Ditya Harry Alitprakoso
×Coconut constitutes one of plantation trade goods that have utility which a lot because of its main result and also its waste can be utilized as product that valuably economic. Coconut product exploit is still circumscribed and get to be sold deep shaped fresh and also deep shaped coconut oil which at traditionally. Farmer revenue enhancement effort coconut can be done by diversified coconut's product in family scale. One of product which is resulted from coconut fruit for example Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) or purification coconut oil. VCO has so benefit big to human body health. Virgin Coconut Oil at makes from fresh coconut without via instillation process.
To the effect final task that is done is make churn tool (agitator) one that effective to result virgin coconut oil in its operation. This tool comprise of tank gets churn and starting motor. Its makings process via severally step, which is scheme, makings, and tool examination. Of scheme and makings result agitator gotten by tube-shaped tool cylinder with diameter 24,5 cm and high 49 cm. This tank made from material stainless steel , in it available 4 baffle one that in height 38,4 cm with broad 2,04 cm, liquid level indicator, and one churn( marine propeller with 4 blades ) get diameter 8,2 cm as convector of kanil's materials up to mixing process happens. Churn moved by motor 0,3 hp that have speed 1400 rpm.
Numbers coconut was husked by skin it then is rasped to be taken santan. Santan that resulting then hushed up to 1 that hour is molded 2 coat where on flake is kanil, meanwhile substratum is water. Water and kanil then is came to pieces, water is discarded and kanil is inserted into churn tank (agitator). Kanil constitutes in it protein oleaginous. Kanil who is taken as material of research as much 7 liters with mixing time 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes and 60 minutes. Kanil is idled up to 12 hours, kanil is formed 3 coats which is flakes as dregs / blondo, intermediate coat as oil, and substratum is water.
Virgin coconut oil makings get by use of been done mixing method (agitation), progressively mixing long time therefore more and more resulting purification coconut oil and its result will same at the time 40 minutes onto.
Penulis Utama
Ditya Harry Alitprakoso
Penulis Tambahan
Agitator untuk pembuatan minyak kelapa murni (virgin coconut oil) dari santan buah kelapa secara batch
Surakarta - F.Teknik - 2010
Program Studi
D-3 Teknik Kimia Produksi
UNS-F.Teknik Jurusan Teknik Kimia -I.8306054-2010
Kata Kunci
Jenis Dokumen
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Link DOI / Jurnal
1. Bregas S. T. Sembodo, S.T., M. T.
Catatan Umum
Fak. Teknik
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