Penulis Utama : Isnaini Apri Utami
NIM / NIP : S812102004

Isnaini Apri Utami. 2024. Pengembangan E-modul Membaca Berbasis Gamifikasi dan Pembelajaran Kontekstual untuk Memfasilitasi Keterampilan Membaca Bahasa Inggris Siswa Madrasah Aliyah. Tesis. Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Sunardi, M.Sc. Kopembimbing: Dr. Nur Arifah Drajati, M. Pd. Program Studi Magister Teknologi Pendidikan, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.


In EFL, reading skill is very important for students to master because reading is a source of language input. The students’ low reading skill requires innovation in learning. This research aims to: 1) describe the English learning process and the usage of teaching materials in Madrasah Aliyah, 2) describe the result of the design and development stage of the reading e-module based on gamification and contextual teaching and learning to facilitate English reading skills of Madrasah Aliyah students and 3) evaluate the effectiveness of reading e-module based on gamification and contextual teaching and learning to facilitate Madrasah Aliyah students' English reading skills.
This development research of reading e-module based on gamification and contextual learning used a design-based research model which consists of three stages, namely: 1) analysis and exploration stage, 2) design and development stage, and 3) evaluation and reflection stage. The data collected were qualitative data from observations and focus group discussions and quantitative data from student questionnaires, expert validation questionnaires, and reading comprehension tests. The data analysis used during development is descriptive. Participants in this research were 68 students consisting of 33 experimental class students and 35 control class students.
From the research results, it can be concluded that: 1) the teaching materials used have not been able to facilitate students in developing reading comprehension skills so the development of a reading e-module based on gamification and contextual teaching and learning is expected to be a solution to this problem, 2) reading e-module based on gamification and the contextual teaching and learning developed is suitable for use by the students based on the validation results of teaching materials experts (93.45%), subject-matter experts (91.78%) and practitioners (86.21%), as well as the results of small (80.03%) and large (80.14%) group students trial, and 3) reading e-module based on gamification and contextual teaching and learning is considered effective in facilitating MA students' English reading skills as seen from the significant difference between the post-test results of the control and the experimental class (t count = 3.030 > t table = 0.2352) and the N-Gain result from the experimental class (27.2%).

Keywords: reading e-module, gamification, contextual teaching and learning, English reading comprehension.

Penulis Utama : Isnaini Apri Utami
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : S812102004
Tahun : 2024
Judul : Pengembangan E-Modul Membaca Berbasis Gamifikasi dan Pembelajaran Kontekstual untuk Memfasilitasi Keterampilan Membaca Bahasa Inggris Siswa Madrasah Aliyah
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - Fak. KIP - 2024
Program Studi : S-2 Teknologi Pendidikan
Kolasi :
Sumber :
Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: e-modul membaca, gamifikasi, pembelajaran kontekstual, pemahaman membaca bahasa Inggris
Jenis Dokumen : Tesis
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Dr. Sunardi, M. Sc.
2. Dr. Nur Arifah Drajati, M. Pd.
Penguji : 1. Prof. Dr. Leo Agung, M. Pd.
2. Prof. Drs. Gunarhadi, M.A, Ph.D.
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. KIP
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