Pengaruh aktivitas fisik terhadap daya tahan jantung paru, fleksibilitas punggung, keseimbangan dan kualitas hidup Anggota paguyuban ngudi waras tohudan kulon.
Penulis Utama
×This research aims to know the influence of physical activities toward the heart endurance, flexibility, balancing and healty the subject of research are the old people of Ngudi Waras that doing physical activity rountitinely. 18 man and 12 women also 16 man and 13 women in an other group that not doing the physical activities. This research is analitical observational by using cross sectional approach. Based on date analysis and the discussion doing the results are (1) There is no influence between physical activities towards the heart endurance p= 0,367 and t statistic = 0.91; (2) There is no Influence beetween physical activities to wards balancing p = 0, 180 t statistic = 1,36; (3) There is no influence between physical activities towards back flexibility p = 0,343; t statistic = 1,96; (4) There is no influence between physicxal activities towards life purlity that was measured by Visual Analog Scale ( VAS) p = 0,271 and t statistic = 1,25 (5) There is no influence between physical activity towards the pain and unconvenient feeling p = 1000 and z statistic = 0.59 (6) There is no influence between physical activity to wards the anxietyAnd depression p = 0,492 with z statistic 1,42.
Penulis Utama
Penulis Tambahan
Pengaruh aktivitas fisik terhadap daya tahan jantung paru, fleksibilitas punggung, keseimbangan dan kualitas hidup Anggota paguyuban ngudi waras tohudan kulon.