Penulis Utama | : | Nusana Putri Hutami |
NIM / NIP | : | K2218066 |
This study aims to comprehensively describe the various types of writing tasks and analyze the writing tasks provided in the 'English for Change' textbook and determine their relevance to Brown's framework of writing tasks, specifically in terms of the four categories of writing tasks, which are imitative, intensive (controlled), responsive, and extensive writing. This qualitative study uses a content analysis method, with data collected through documentation and analyzed using the approach developed by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2020) which consists of three stages, data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The findings reveal 43 writing activities, with 25 types of writing tasks categorized into imitative, intensive, responsive, and extensive writing tasks. The textbook allocates 28% of its writing tasks to imitative writing, 32% to responsive writing, 24% to extensive writing, and a mere 16% to intensive writing. The study's findings imply that it is questionable whether the "English for Change" textbook is suitable for high school students, especially for the eleventh-grade level. It is suggested that teachers who use the "English for Change" textbook supplement their materials with additional writing tasks and activities from other resources, one of which is to include more intensive writing tasks that are lacking.
Penulis Utama | : | Nusana Putri Hutami |
Penulis Tambahan | : | - |
NIM / NIP | : | K2218066 |
Tahun | : | 2024 |
Edisi | : | |
Imprint | : | Surakarta - Fak. KIP - 2024 |
Program Studi | : | S-1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris |
Kolasi | : | |
Sumber | : | |
Kata Kunci | : | writing tasks, textbook, content analysis |
Jenis Dokumen | : | Skripsi |
ISSN | : | |
ISBN | : | |
Link DOI / Jurnal | : | - |
Status | : | Public |
Pembimbing | : |
1. Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd. 2. Ellisa I. P. H. S.Pd., M.Hum. |
Penguji | : |
1. Dr. Sumardi, M.Hum. 2. Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd. |
Catatan Umum | : | |
Fakultas | : | Fak. KIP |
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