Pertumbuhan, kekuatan tarik dan mulur serat rami (Boehmeria nivea (L.) gaudich) dengan pemberian asam giberelat (ga3) dan variasi ketersediaan air
Penulis Utama
Shafi Fauzi Rahman
Hemp plant Boehmeria nivea is an annual plant which is easy to grow
and to reproduce in a tropical region. Hemp fiber has a higher strength than cotton
fiber, so that it is not easily broken off. It provides less reduction than another
fibers, the humidity of hemp fiber can achieve 12%, and hemp fiber has smooth
characteristic, long lasting, and its glint is similar with the silk.
This research used complete random design CRD using two factors that
were GA3 with 3 concentration variations G, such as 0 ppm, 175 ppm, 200 ppm,
and 3 water availability variations A), such as 50%, 75%, 100%. The treatment
was given to the rhizome before it was planted and the water availability was
given when the shoot was started to form. The measured parameters were
parameter of growth and fiber quality.
The conclusion of this research is that GA3 treatment has an influence
toward the increase of shoot stem height, dry weight, wet weight, fiber pulling test
fiber’s strength, but it has no influence in the change of shoot number, leaf
number, and elasticity of the fiber. The water availability treatment has no
influence toward the entire parameter. The interaction between GA3 and water
availability has influence toward hemp B. nivea fiber elasticity. The giving of
GA3 in the concentration of 200 ppm shows the best influence toward the entire
parameter of growth and fiber quality observed except in wet weight and dry
weight. Water availability treatment in SQ 100% shows good influence toward
wet weight and dry weight, in SQ 75% it shows a good influence toward the
elasticity of the fiber.
Key words: Giberelat Acid GA3, water availability, Boehmeria nivea, growth,
pulling and elasticity test.
Penulis Utama
Shafi Fauzi Rahman
Penulis Tambahan
Pertumbuhan, kekuatan tarik dan mulur serat rami (Boehmeria nivea (L.) gaudich) dengan pemberian asam giberelat (ga3) dan variasi ketersediaan air