Penulis Utama | : | Elli Hasbi Sahaq |
NIM / NIP | : | K2218025 |
The objectives of this study were: (1)
to identify teachers’ perceptions towards Kurikulum Merdeka according to
3 aspects namely: a. cognition, b. affection, c. conation. (2) to describe how Kurikulum
Merdeka implemented at the vocational high school level, and (3) to find
out the strengths and weaknesses of this curriculum implementation. This study
used a qualitative research in the form of qualitative descriptive. The
participants were an English teacher and five students in the eleventh grade of
a vocational high school in Surakarta. The data collection used interview,
observation, and documents. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by using the
interactive model proposed by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014). The results
of this study found that: (1) Teachers' perceptions of this curriculum from 3
aspects were: a. Cognition: this curriculum was flexible, focus on developing
students soft skills and character, also the impelementation of this curriculum
went well, b. Affection: this curriculum had a positive influence on the
implementation of English language learning, and teacher training were needed,
c. Conation: the efforts that teacher made to adapt with this curriculum was
developing skills, and so on. (2) The implementation of this curriculum in
English language learning from 3 aspects were: a. Planning stage: teacher need
to prepare learning module by considered students’ abilities, learning
objective, and technology that will be applied in learning, then to prepare
teaching modules, the teacher need learning outcomes, learning objective flow,
and learning materials, b. Implementation stage: the approach used in this
curriculum is text based approach so the learning steps consists of greeting,
main activities (Building Knowledge of Field/BKoF, Modelling of Text/MoT, Joint
Construction of Text/JCoT, and Independent Construction of Text/ICoT), and
closing activities, also, learning models that applied by teacher were Project
Based Learning (PjBL), Problem Based Learning (PBL), Discovery Learning, and
Inquiry Based Learning (IBL), c. Evaluation stage: consists of diagnostic
assessment (in the form of questions related to the learning material in the
beginning of learning process), formative assessment (in the form of daily test
and speaking practice exam), summative assessment (in the form of midterm and
final year test). (3) The strengths of Kurikulum Merdeka implementation
were: assignments were in different forms, learning was applied with
technology, learning activities more interactive, students were involved in
learning, was improved students' vocabularies, students became more motivated,
learning was more diverse. Then, the weaknesses of Kurikulum Merdeka implementation
were: for vocational high school the books have not been officially published,
some teachers still found difficulties in applying technology, and some
students sometimes found it difficult to understand the vocabulary. The
researcher suggested that teacher need to develop their soft skills and hard
skills to create more meaningful learning so that they were able to implement
this curriculum well.