NIM / NIP : M0301011
× ABSTRACT Yari Mukti Wibowo. 2006. THE COMPARISON OF LIGAND EFFICIENCY OF EUGENIL OKSI-P-METHYLENE BENZOIC ACID AND POLY(EUGENIL OKSI-P-METHYLENE BENZOIC) ACID ON Cu METAL EXTRACTION USING LIQUID MEMBRANE TRANSPORT METHOD. Thesis. Department of Chemistry. Mathematic and Natural Sciences Faculty. Sebelas Maret University A comparison of ligand efficiency of eugenil oksi-p-methylene benzoic acid (L1) and poly(eugenil oksi-p-methylene benzoic) acid (L2) on Cu metal extraction using liquid membrane transport method has been studied. Copper metal in the industrial waste is often found as Cu2+ ion. Naturally it is also found as a mixture with nickel and zinc compound. Thus, in the research Ni2+ and Zn2+ ion were assumed as competitor ions for Cu2+ extraction. The aim of the research is to understand the efficiency of L1 and L2 to extract Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ using a liquid membrane transport method, whether in a single or competitive metal’s transport. For that purpose the best condition of the extraction (e.g. extraction’s time and receiving phase acid concentration) was needed to be determined. The extraction was done by using modified U type glass with source phase’s pH were 7, ligand’s concentration at 250 ppm. The variation of extraction’s time were 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours. The variation of concentration of H2SO4 as receiving phase were 1.58 x 10-1 M, 5.00 x 10-2 M and 1.58 x 10-2 M. The metal ion in the source phase also varied as follow : single ion (i.e. Cu2+, Ni2+ or Zn2+) and mixture of Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+. The metal’s concentration at the source phase before extraction and receiving phase after extraction had been determined using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) instrument. The comparison of the ligand efficiency with the best condition for L2 (i.e. extraction’s time at 36 hours and [H2SO4] = 1.58 x 10-1 M) showed a larger extraction efficiency for L2 comparing to L1 in extracting Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ in both condition (single or competitive metal’s transport). Key words : extraction, eugenil oksi-p-methylene benzoic acid ligand, poly(eugenil oksi-p-methylene benzoic) acid ligand, liquid membrane transport