Penulis Utama : Whika Febria Dewatisari
NIM / NIP : M0402051
× ABSTRAK PENGARUH PADAT PENEBARAN NAUPLII DENGAN PAKAN SILASE IKAN JUWI TERHADAP PRODUK BIOMASSA Artemia franciscana THE INFLUENCE OF NAUPLII DENSITY WITH FEEDS FRINGESCALE FISH SILAGE TO BIOMASS PRODUCT OF Artemia franciscana Whika Febria Dewatisari, Sugiyarto, Akhmad Fairus Mai Soni Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNS Surakarta Artemia franciscana ( Anostraca, Artemidae) is low level of Crustacea which was usually used as natural feeds in fish and shrimp larva culture especially for cultivation efforts. Nauplius (A. franciscana new hatch) contains sufficient high protein which is good in growing the shrimp larva. By expanding Shrimp cultivation it will almost always increasing the requirement of A. franciscana. In generally cultivation A. franciscana can be developed using only the cheap equipments and simple techniques, although the benefit of the activities would be quite a lot. Many factors should be considered very carefully in order to make the cultivation activities successfully. For example how to feed the A. franciscana with the highest protein contained such as silage of fish and how the density of the fuse silage should be distributed. The methods used in this research was used Complete Random sampling, and done with in 14 day using 6 kinds of treatment and 3 restating. Nauplius Disperse into conservancy media ( salinity 80 g / l) with the density 500, 800,1100,1400, 1700 nauplii / litre with the dose of fish silage as much 30 mg / l. For the treatment of control was given the coconut cake as much 30 mg /l, nauplius disperse with the density 500 nauplii / l. The parameters measured were growth, survival rate, specific growth rate, feed convertion ratio, dry, and wet A. franciscana biomass conducted in the end of research. Quality of water measured everyday were salinity, temperature, pH while for the amonia measured in each three-day once. The result showed that the treatment in density 500 nauplii / l have survival rate 78 % and growth ( heavy and length) highest that is, 6,941 mm and 1,6346 mg, and also have the highest spesific growth rate 0,3826 mg / day. Optimal density there are in density 1100 N / l productively the best of feed conversion ratio 1,127 % and highest biomassa equal to 7,7329 g with 62 % survival rate. Keyword : Nauplii, feeds, Fringescale, density, survival rate, biomass
Penulis Utama : Whika Febria Dewatisari
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : M0402051
Tahun : 2007
Edisi :
Imprint : SURAKARTA - FMIPA - 2007
Program Studi : S-1 Biologi
Kolasi :
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Jenis Dokumen : Skripsi
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
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