Wayang Beber Kota Sebagai Seni Pertunjukan: Bentuk, Fungsi, dan Makna
Penulis Utama
Bobby Akhbar
×<p>The thesis entitled "Wayang Beber Kota as a Performing Art: Form, Function,</p><p>and Meaning", focuses on three main things, namely the background of the</p><p>formation of Wayang Beber Kota by Dani Iswardana, the form, function, and</p><p>meaning of the Wayang Beber Kota performance presentation, and the strategy</p><p>for developing Wayang Beber Kota in facing the challenges of changing urban</p><p>society. The purpose of this study is to find out and describe the background of</p><p>Dani Iswardana in creating the Wayang Beber Kota work. To find out the form,</p><p>function, and meaning of the Wayang Beber Kota performing art. To find out</p><p>about Wayang Beber Kota's strategy to maintain itself amidst changes in urban</p><p>society. This scientific paper uses a qualitative method with a case study</p><p>approach. Data collection techniques use observation and interviews. In</p><p>addition, data sources come from informant statements and various relevant</p><p>literature. The results of this study are that Wayang Beber Kota by Dani</p><p>Iswardana is an evolution of the Wayang Beber tradition as a performing art that</p><p>seeks to use innovation in execution, stories, and artistic styles that are more in</p><p>line with the tastes of modern society. This includes using more contemporary</p><p>media and adapting stories that are relevant to current issues. The main function</p><p>of Wayang Beber Kota is the function of social criticism presented by the</p><p>Wayang Beber Kota play, which seeks to ensure that art is relevant and</p><p>acceptable to the younger generation and urban society connected to modern</p><p>entertainment culture. The meaning of Wayang Beber Kota is the relevance</p><p>between traditional art and modernity.</p>
Penulis Utama
Bobby Akhbar
Penulis Tambahan
Wayang Beber Kota Sebagai Seni Pertunjukan: Bentuk, Fungsi, dan Makna
Surakarta - Fak. Ilmu Budaya - 2024
Program Studi
S-2 Kajian Budaya
Kata Kunci
Keywords: Wayang Beber Kota, Form, Function, and Meaning.