Translations Analysis Of Politeness Strategies And Its Impact On Characthterization In The Target Text: A Sociopragmatic Study Of Femaleprotagonist And Male Antagonist In A Thousand Spledid Suns From English Into Bahasa Indonesia
Penulis Utama
Mujtaba Jamal
×<p>Fictional texts as a means of communication have reflected the reality of

societies and entertained mankind across centuries. Due to the need for crosscultural understanding, the fictional texts have been translated into other languages

with different cultures and norms which have sometimes distorted the message and

reflected the culture of the source text differently than the authors' intentions. One

such problematic area that has attracted scholars from linguistics and translation is

characterization in the novels; that is how characterization is built in the source text

and how it is translated into the target text.

Therefore, this study aims to 1) analyze the politeness strategy of the female

protagonist, 2) the politeness strategy of the male antagonist 3) the translation

techniques used in translating the politeness strategy of the female protagonist, 4)

the translation techniques used in translating the politeness strategy of the male

antagonist, 5 the translation quality of the politeness strategy used by both

characters and 6) the impact of translation of politeness strategy on the

characterization of the female protagonist and the male antagonist in the novel A

Thousand Splendid Suns.

This study employed a descriptive qualitative approach, and the study

design is a single embedded case study. The focus of the research is on the novel A

Thousand Splendid Suns, and the source data are documents and informants. The

document refers to the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns, where the data is taken

from the developmental stages of the story: orientation, complication, evaluation,

and resolution. The informants were native speakers of the Indonesian language and

experts in English-Indonesian translation who informed about the linguistic and

translation data such as politeness strategies in the source text, translation

techniques, translation shift, and translation quality through FGD. Hence, the

informants played two roles: informants and raters. Two types of triangulations are

used for data validation: data source and method triangulation. Then the data were

analyzed based on Spradley’s data analysis including domain analysis, taxonomic

analysis, componential analysis, and cultural theme analysis.

The data analysis results indicate that 1) the female protagonist used four

types of politeness strategies: bald on record, positive politeness, negative

politeness, and off record. Likewise, 2) the male antagonist used four types of

politeness strategies: bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and

off record. Both characters used either bald on record or positive politeness

dominantly depending on the social context of power, distance, and rank of


imposition. 3) in terms of translation techniques, fifteen translation techniques are

used for the female protagonist, and 4) sixteen translation techniques are used for

the male antagonist. Speaking of translation quality, 5) the translation quality of the

politeness strategies was good for both characters, the female protagonist and the

male antagonist, but not perfect due to some inappropriate translation techniques.

6) in terms of characterization, the translator translated the characters’ politeness

strategies well enough, yet some translation shifts brought about changes in the

characterization of the two characters, the female protagonist and the male


This study concludes that the translation of politeness strategies of both

characters was good, yet some translation techniques such as explicitation,

modulation, discursive creation, pure borrowing, reduction, and transposition

decreased the accuracy, acceptability, and readability of the translation quality. </p>
Penulis Utama
Mujtaba Jamal
Penulis Tambahan
Translations Analysis Of Politeness Strategies And Its Impact On Characthterization In The Target Text: A Sociopragmatic Study Of Femaleprotagonist And Male Antagonist In A Thousand Spledid Suns From English Into Bahasa Indonesia