Healthy Food Dan Penerimaan Pesan Pada Followers Akun Instragam @MIXGREENS.ID
Penulis Utama
Rahajeng Kartika Wungu
×<p>Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a growing emphasis

on promoting healthy living through exercise and a balanced diet. Healthy food is

defined as food that provides the necessary nutrients for an individual's specific

needs, which can vary based on factors such as age, gender, physical activity, body

weight, and medical history. The culinary industry has responded to this trend by

offering a wider range of healthy food options. Additionally, the prevalence of

social media has led to a new culture of sharing pictures of food. Like sports and

other activities, the consumption of healthy food can influence others who observe

it, creating a trend. Mixgreens is responding to the growing demand for healthy

food by expanding its business as a health food store in Solo. The increasing trend

towards healthy eating motivated the author to investigate people's motivations for

consuming healthy food and their perceptions of it. This research examines how

Mixgreens' identity is constructed on the Instagram account using

Aristotle's rhetoric theory. The analysis focuses on three proofs of persuasion:

ethos, logos, and pathos (West & Turner, 2008). Additionally, the study investigates

the message reception of Instagram account followers based on

Stuart Hall's reception theory. The informants are grouped into dominant

hegemonic, negotiated, and oppositional positions (Hall, 2006). The study gathered

information from the owner, content creator, and seven followers using in-depth

interviews. The content analysed was a sample of the six content categories of the Instagram account. Mixgreens positions itself as a healthy food

store that not only focuses on sales but also aims to shape the audience's mindset

that healthy food is practical and easy to obtain. However, the analysis suggests

that Mixgreens' identity construction is weaker due to incomplete elements and lack

of rhetorical evidence in some content categories. The followers predominantly

accept the content of the Instagram account from a dominant

hegemonic position. This research uncovered two differences or gaps: one between

followers and nutritionists in their definition of healthy food, and another between

nutritionists and healthy food producers in their approach to constructing healthy

food. </p>
Penulis Utama
Rahajeng Kartika Wungu
Penulis Tambahan
Healthy Food Dan Penerimaan Pesan Pada Followers Akun Instragam @MIXGREENS.ID
Surakarta - Fak. ISIP - 2024
Program Studi
S-1 Ilmu Komunikasi
Kata Kunci
Healthy food, Mixgreens, Stuart Hall's Reception Theory, Aristotle's Rhetoric Theory.