Penulis Utama : Maryati Rahayu
NIM / NIP : M0403039
× Endophytic bacteria lives inside the plant tissue without causing negative effects to their host. It has capability to produce natural compounds which are useful for human being such as antibiotic and antiviral. This research was aimed (1) to find out the endophytic bacteria isolate from GHNP which can produce antimicrobial compounds againts S. typhimurium strains IFO 14209, 14211, and 14212, (2) to study the capability of antimicrobial compounds which was produced by endophytic bacteria isolate from GHNP to inhibit S. typhimurium strains IFO 14209,14211, and 14212, (3) to know the characteristic of antimicrobial compounds which was produced by endophytic bacteria isolate from GHNP and compare them to the synthetic antimicrobial. Endophytic bacteria from GHNP were selected by Diffusion Agar Plate Method using 3 strains of S. typhimurium IFO 14209,14211, and 14212. The antimicrobial compounds were analyzed by TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) and HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and then they were compared to ampicilin, amoxilin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, cephadroxil, eritromicin, lincomicin, ofloxacin, and thiamphenicol respectively. The results showed that HL.33B.74 isolate can grow and forming the biggest colony on selection medium. The chloroform phase extract of HL.33B.74 isolate has capability in inhibiting the growth of those third strains, while its water phase extract was unable. Accordingly TLC analysis showed that fractions of chloroform phase extract had the Rf value which was similar to chloramphenicol, eritromisin, lincomisin, and ofloxacin respectively, while the result of HPLC analysis showed that fraction 1 and 3 had the Rt value similar to eritromicin, lincomicin,and ofloxacin. Keywords: endophytic bacteria, antimicrobial, S. typhimurium, TLC, HPLC
Penulis Utama : Maryati Rahayu
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : M0403039
Tahun : 2008
Edisi :
Imprint : SURAKARTA - FMIPA - 2008
Program Studi : S-1 Biologi
Kolasi :
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Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Skripsi
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Drs. Suranto, M.Sc, Ph.D
2. Dra. Ruth Melliawati
Penguji :
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