Penulis Utama : Endratno Pilih.s
NIM / NIP : T111808015
× <p>ABSTRACT<br>Endratno Pilih Swasono. NIM T111808015. 2024. Pragmatic Strategies of<br>Mediators in the Divorce Settlement Process at the Religious Court Sidoarjo East<br>Java. Dissertation for the Doctoral Program in Linguistics, Faculty of Cultural<br>Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. Advisors: Prof. Dr. Djatmika, M.A<br>(Promotor), Prof. Dr. Sumarlam, M.S (Co-Promotor I), Dr. Miftah Nugroho,<br>M.Hum. (Co-Promotor II).<br>The high divorce rate in the Sidoarjo Religious Court reflects the complexity<br>of emotional conflicts that require effective communication strategies from<br>mediators. Pragmatic strategies are key in building understanding, although in-<br>depth studies of divorce mediation are still controlled. This research focuses on the<br>types of speech acts, politeness strategies, and the application of the principle of<br>cooperation, with the aim of uncovering how mediators create effective, strategic<br>communication and support peaceful conflict resolution.<br>This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, data in the form of<br>mediator speech in the divorce mediation process at the Sidoarjo Religious Court.<br>The main data source is in the form of audio recordings of the divorce mediation<br>process, observations and documents, secondary data in the form of relevant articles<br>or journals. The data collection methods used are participatory observation<br>techniques, recording, transcription, recording and interviews with mediators. The<br>data analysis method is a pragmatic analysis by analyzing the mediator's speech<br>based on the theory of speech action, the theory of politeness and maximal<br>obedience.<br>The results of the study show that pragmatic strategies in divorce mediation<br>include the use of verbal acts, the principle of cooperation, and politeness. Mediators<br>most often use directive and expressive speech acts, while declarative speech acts<br>are not found. Grice's principles of cooperation are applied consistently, including<br>quantity, quality, relevance, and methods. When it comes to politeness, mediators<br>utilize a variety of strategies, including direct, positive, negative, and indirect<br>strategies. Unique strategies like Sharing Stories have proven to be effective in<br>building relationships and reaching understanding..<br>This research paved the way for major changes in divorce mediation in the<br>Religious Court. First, improving the competence of mediators, especially in<br>pragmatic linguistics, is a top priority. A deep understanding of pragmatic strategies<br>must be applied not only in theory, but also in real practice. Second, Religious<br>Courts must ensure mediators receive comprehensive training to deal with complex<br>communication dynamics. Third, investment in additional scholarships and training<br>will strengthen the ability of mediators as conflict facilitators as well as architects of<br>solutions, ensuring a fair, peaceful, and harmonious outcome for all parties.<br>Keywords: Pragmatic Strategy, Mediator, Divorce Case Resolution, Religious<br>Judge, Mediation Communication<br></p>
Penulis Utama : Endratno Pilih.s
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : T111808015
Tahun : 2025
Edisi :
Imprint : SURAKARTA - Fak. Ilmu Budaya - 2025
Program Studi : S-3 Linguistik (Deskriptif)
Kolasi :
Sumber :
Kata Kunci : Keywords: Pragmatic Strategy, Mediator, Divorce Case Resolution, ReligiousJudge, Mediation Communication.
Jenis Dokumen : Disertasi
Link DOI / Jurnal :
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Dr. Djatmika, M.A
2. Prof. Dr. Sumarlam, M.S
3. Dr. Miftah Nugroho, M.Hum
Penguji : 1. Dr. Dwi Susanto, M.Hum
2. Drs. agus hari wibowo, M.A., Ph.D
3. Dr. Henry Yustanto, M.A
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. Ilmu Budaya
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