It has been conducted research about analysis of ventilation design performance
iVX-01. The objective of the research is to determine the performance thermal
ventilation design iVX-01 at various of situation of air flow outside its room and
comparison with natural ventilation performance. The study was conducted with
perception of temperature degradation at various of situation of air speeds outside
room. Research result indicates that the degradation of ventilation design
temperature iVX-01 faster than natural ventilation. This condition are shown with
faster temperature degradation in the situation Fan active; No wind flow as high as
730 %, Fan active; wind active with air speed outside room 1,7 m/s as high as
1119 % and Natural; wind active with air speed outside room 1,7 m/s as high as
475 %.
Key words : ventilation, air flow, temperature, exhaust fan.