An analysis of the libretto translation of the movie entitled “Phantom Of The Opera” (vcd version issued by Warner Bross 2004)
Penulis Utama
Diyah Ismi Rochayati
×This research focuses on the analysis of the libretto translation technique applied in the subtitle movie entitled “Phantom of The Opera” and Translation Quality in terms of Accuracy, Acceptability, and Readability. This research is descriptive qualitative research study. The purposes of this research are: 1) To know the techniques which are applied by the translator in translating the libretto in the movie entitled “Phantom of the Opera”. 2) To know the quality assessment of the libretto translation of the movie entitled “Phantom of the Opera”, in terms of accuracy, acceptability and readability.
The research employed total sampling technique. The primary data were all the song lines of the libretto and its subtitle. The secondary data were gained from the questionnaires distributed to the three raters and 10 informants. Total data in this research is 717 data.
The analysis on the translation technique shows that there are ten classifications of the techniques used. They are: Literal (18,3%), Condensation (17,2%), Linguistic Compression (15,62%), Transposition (13,39%), Deletion (12,41%), Couplet (8,65%), Adaptation (7,95%), Modulation (6,55%), Triplet (0,14%)and Transference (0,14%).
The analysis on the translation accuracy shows that there are 383 data (53,42%) are accurate, 233 data (32,49%) are less accurate and the 101 data (14,09%) are inaccurate.
The analysis on the translation acceptability shows that the are there are 435 data which are acceptable or 60,67%, 182 data which are less acceptable or 25,38%, and the rest 100 data or 13,95% are unacceptable.
The analysis on the translation readability shows that there are 387 data which are readable or 55,98%, 223 data which are less readable or 31,24% and the rest 107 data are unreadable or 14,78%.
Based on the analysis it shows that: 1) literal Technique with total 130 data, consist of 108 data (83,03%) are accurate, 20 data (15,38%) are less accurate and 2 data (1,54%) are inaccurate. 2) Condensation Technique with total 122 data, consists of 67 data (54,92%) are accurate, 51 data (15,38%) are less accurate and 2 data (1,54%) are inaccurate. 3) Linguistic Compression Technique with total 112 data, consists of 49 data (43,75%) are accurate, 63 data (56,25%) are less accurate and no datum is inaccurate. 4)Transposition Technique with total 96 data, consist of 64 data (66,67%) are accurate, 31 data (32,29%) are less accurate and 1 datum (1,04%) is inaccurate. 5) Deletion Technique with total 89 data, consist of 89 data (100%) are inaccurate. 6) Couplet 62 data, consist of 27 data (43,55%) are accurate, 33 data (53,23%) are less accurate and 2 data (3,23%) are inaccurate. 7) Adaptation Technique with total 57 data, consists of 40 data (70,18%) are accurate, 17 data (29,82%) are less accurate and no datum is inaccurate. 8) Modulation Technique with total 47 data, consists of 27 data (57,45%) are accurate, 18 data (38,29%) are less accurate and 3 data (6,38%) are inaccurate. 9) Triplet Technique with total 1 datum is accurate (100%). 10) Transference with total 1 datum is accurate (100%).
Based on the analysis it shows that: 1) Literal Technique with total 130 data, consists of 117 data (90%) are acceptable, 12 data (9,23%) are less acceptable and 1 datum (0,77%) is unacceptable. 2) Condensation with total 122 data, consists of 75 data (61,48%) are acceptable, 45 data (36,88%) are less acceptable and 2 data (1,64%) are unacceptable. 3) Linguistic Compression with total 112 data, consists of 61 data (54,46%) are acceptable, 50 data (44,64%) are less acceptable and 1 datum (0,9%) is unacceptable. 4) Transposition Technique with total 96 data, consists of 66 data (68,75%) are acceptable, 26 data (27,08%) are less acceptable and 4 data (4,17%) are unacceptable. 5) Deletion with total 89 data are unacceptable (100%). 6) Couplet with total 62 data consists of 38 data (61,29%) are acceptable, 23 data (37,09%) are less acceptable, and 1 datum (1,61%) is unacceptable. 7) Adaptation with total 57 data, consists of 48 data (84,21%) are acceptable, 8 data (14,04%) are less acceptable and 1 datum (1,75%) is unacceptable. 8) Modulation with total 47 data, consists of 27 data (57,45%) are acceptable, 20 data (42,55%) are less acceptable and no datum is unacceptable. 9) Triplet with total 1 datum is acceptable (100%). 10) Transference with total 1 datum is acceptable (100%).
Based on the analysis it shows that: 1) Literal Technique with total 130 data, consists of 85 data (65,38%) are readable, 41 data (31,54%) are less readable, and 4 data (3,08%) are unreadable.2) Condensation with total 122 data, consists of 75 data (61,48%) are readable, 47 data (38,52%) are less readable and no datum is unreadable.3) Linguistic Compression with total 112 data, consists of 71 data (63,39%) are readable, 37 data (33,04%) are less readable and 4 data (3,57%) are unreadable. 4) Transposition Technique with total 96 data, consists of 58 data (60,42%) are readable, 33 data (34.38%) are less readable and 5 data (5,20%) unreadable. 5) Deletion with total 89 data are readable (100%). 6) Couplet with total 62 data consists of 36 data (58,06%) are readable, 24 data (38,71%) are less readable and 2 data (3,23%) are unreadable.7) Adaptation with total 57 data, consists of 29 data (50,88%) are readable, 25 data (43,86%) are less readable and 3 (5,26%) are unreadable. 8) Modulation with total 47 data, consists of 32 data (68,09%) are readable, 15 data (31,91%) are less readable and no data are unreadable.9) Triplet with total 1 datum is readable (100%). 10) Transference with total 1 datum is less readable (100%).
The differences of the culture and genre between SL and TL cause different techniques are implemented. It also influences the TQA of the libretto translation.
Penulis Utama
Diyah Ismi Rochayati
Penulis Tambahan
An analysis of the libretto translation of the movie entitled “Phantom Of The Opera” (vcd version issued by Warner Bross 2004)
Surakarta - FSSR - 2010
Program Studi
S-1 Sastra Inggris
UNS-FSSR Jur. Sastra Inggris-C.0305002-2010
Kata Kunci
Jenis Dokumen
Link DOI / Jurnal
1. Dyah Ayu Nila Khrisna, S.S, M.Hum
Catatan Umum
Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
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