Efek jus buah anggur merah ( vitis vinifera linn. ) terhadap penghambatan peningkatan kadar ldl kolesterol darah tikus putih ( rattus norvegicus )
Penulis Utama
Reza Fauzi
Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) dan stroke merupakan penyakit dengan angka kematian tertinggi
di dunia. Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan erat antara kolesterol Low
Density Lipoprotein (LDL) dengan PJK dan Stroke. Salah satu penelitian tersebut ialah dengan jus
anggur. Buah anggur memiliki kandungan proanthosianidin, resveratrol, dan likopen yang
berkaitan erat dengan pencegahan hiperkolesterolemia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
efek jus buah anggur merah dalam menghambat kenaikan kolestrerol LDL tikus putih.
Penelitian bersifat eksperimental laboratorik dengan pre and post test controlled group design.
Subjek penelitian berupa 27 ekor tikus putih jantan, Strain Sprague-Dawley. Subjek penelitian
dibagi dalam 3 kelompok yang masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 9 ekor tikus putih. Kelompok
I (KI) sebagai kontrol, Kelompok II (KII) sebagai kelompok perlakuan, dan Kelompok III (KIII)
sebagai pembanding. Semua subjek penelitian mendapatkan pakan standar selama 7 hari (adaptasi).
Setelah adaptasi dilakukan pre test. Setelah itu perlakuan dilakukan selama 14 hari. Seluruh
kelompok mendapatkan pakan hiperkolesterolemik ad libitu ( campuran pakan standar (pallet) 88,5
%, minyak kelapa 1%, minyak babi 10%, dan kristal kolesterol 0,5%), kuning telur itik per sonde
9,5g/KgBB, dan larutan PTU 0,1% ad libitum. KI diberi Aquadest 2 ml, KII diberi jus anggur 18
g/KgBB dalam 2 ml, dan KIII diberi obat Simvastatin 0,9 mg/KgBB dalam 2 ml. Setelah 14 hari,
tikus putih dipuasakan selama 12 jam dan diambil darahnya melalui vena orbitalis dengan tabung
mikrokapiler. Darah tikus putih diukur kadar kolesterol LDL dengan spektofometri (metoda Direct
homogenous). Analisis statistik menggunakan program SPSS 15.0 for Windows. Uji Anova
digunakan sebagai uji statistik apabila data penelitian terdistribusi normal. Uji Post hoc Test
digunakan sebagai uji statistik apabila data penelitian terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan.
Rerata kadar LDLKolesterol meningkat setelah pretest pada KI (22,71± 7,04), KII (21,04±3,87),
dan KIII (22,37±9,15) menjadi KI ( 75,31 ± 47,94 ), KII ( 51,12 ± 39,28) , dan KIII ( 35,34 ±
10,53). Rerata selisih hasil posttest dan pretes ppada KI ( 58,26), KII (30,32), dan KIII (13,87).
Hasil uji anova terhadap rerata selisih posttest dan pretes menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan
(p=0,043). Selisih dari hasil rerata posttest dan pretest dilakukan uji Post Hoc dan didapatkan pada
kelompok I dan kelompok III terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan p=0,014 (p<0,05), sedangkan
hasil yang tidak berbeda secara signifikan didapatkan antara kelompok II dengan kelompok I
dengan taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,113 (p>0,05).
Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian jua anggur 18 g / KgBB tidak dapat
menghambat kenaikan kadar LDL kolesterol selama 14 hari.
Coronary heart attack (PJK) and stroke are the diseases with highest mortality rate in the world.
Various studies show that there is a close relatioship between Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)
cholesterol and both diseases. One of the studies that they include using grape juice. Grape
contains pro-anthocyanidine, resveratrol and licopene related closely to the hypercholesterolemic
prevention. This research aims at finding out the effect of red grape juice on inhibition of the
increase of white mice LDL cholesterol.
This research was experimental laboratory in nature with pre and post test controlled group design.
The subjects of research were 27 white adult male mice from Sprageu-Dawley strain. The subject
of research was divided into 3 groups, each of which consist of 9 white mice. Group I (KI) as the
control, Group II (KII) as the treatment group and Group III (KIII) as comparator. All subjects of
research are fed with standard meal for 7 days (adaptation). After adaptation, the pre test was
carried out. Then, the treatment was done for 14 days. All groups got hypercholesterolemic food ad
libitum (combination of 88.5%, standard feed (pallet), 1% coconut oil, 10% pig oil, and 0.5%
cholesterol crystal), duck yolk per dosage 9.5 g/kgBW, and 0.1 PTU ad libitum. KI was
administerd with 2 ml Aquadest, KII with grape juice 18 g/kgBW in 2 ml, and KIII with
Simvastatin medicine 0.9/KgBW in 2 ml. After 14 days, white mice is fasted for 12 hours and the
sample of blood were taken through vena orbitalis using microcapillary tube. The white mice’
blood was measured for LDL cholesterol level using spectrophotometry (Direct homogenous
method). The statistical analysis was done using SPSS 15.0 for Windows. Anova test was used as
the statistical test when there was significant difference among the data research.
The mean of cholesterol LDL level increase after pre test from KI (22.71 ± 7.04), KII (21.04 ±
3.87), and KIII (22.37 ± 9.15) into KI (75.31 ± 47.94), KII (51.12 ± 39.28), and KIII (35.34 ±
10.53). The mean of standard deviation between posttest and pretest is KI (58.26), KII (30.32), and
KIII (13.87). The result of anova test on the standard deviation between the posttest and pretest
indicated the significant result (p=0.043). The standard deviation of posttest and pretest is subjects
to the Post Hoc test and the result indicated that there was a significant difference between Group I
and III of p = 0.014 (p<0.05), while the insignificant difference result was obtained between
groups I and II at p of 0.113 (p>0.05).
From the result of research, it ca be concluded that red grape juice administration at dosage
18g/kgBW cannot inhibit the increase of cholesterol LDL for 14 days.
Penulis Utama
Reza Fauzi
Penulis Tambahan
Efek jus buah anggur merah ( vitis vinifera linn. ) terhadap penghambatan peningkatan kadar ldl kolesterol darah tikus putih ( rattus norvegicus )