Penulis Utama : Tri Sunarsih
NIM / NIP : S540908122
× ABSTRAK Kehidupan akademis kampus terletak pada kata kunci motivasi belajar, kemandirian dalam belajar dan bimbingan akademik terhadap mahasiswa sehingga mahasiswa mampu untuk mandiri, proaktif, kritis, dan kreatif dalam meraih prestasi belajar yang baik. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara motivasi belajar, kemandirian belajar dan bimbingan akademik terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa di STIKES A.Yani Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional dan menggunakan teknik korelasional, memakai instrumen kuesioner model Likert dan dokumentasi. Semua populasi diambil sebanyak 464 responden, cara pengambilan dengan teknik Proportional Stratified Random Sampling. Uji validitas instrumen menggunakan koefisien korelasi Product Moment, dan uji reabilitas menggunakan Alpha Cronbach. Hasil penelitian di analisis menggunakan koefisien korelasi korelasi Product Moment dan Regresi Linier. N = 98 pada taraf signifikan 5 % batas penerimaan rho tabel = 0,195 dan taraf signifikan 5 %. Dari hasil analisis hubungan antara motivasi belajar, kemandirian belajar dan bimbingan dengan prestasi belajar diperoleh rho hasil = 0,457 maka nilai rho hasil tersebut lebih dari nilai rho tabel. Dengan demikian maka variabel motivasi belajar, kemandirian belajar dan bimbingan akademik dengan variabel prestasi belajar mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu ada hubungan yang bermakna antara motivasi belajar, kemandirian belajar dan bimbingan akademik dengan variabel prestasi belajar. Kata Kunci : Kemandirian belajar dan prestasi belajar. ABSTRACT The campus academic life lies in the keywords of learning motivation, learning independence, and academic counseling on the students’ learning achievement, so that the student can be independent, critical, and creative in achieving the good learning achievement. The objective of research is to find out the relation between learning motivation, learning independence, and academic counseling on the student’s learning achievement in STIKES A. Yani Yogyakarta. This research employed a cross sectional approach and used the correlational technique, used questionnaire instrument with Likert model and documentation. From the population it was taken 464 respondents as the sample using the proportional stratified random sampling technique. The instrument validity test used was Product Moment correlation coefficient, and reliability test used was Alpha Cronbach. The result of research was analyzed using the Product Moment corelational coefficient and Linear Regression, N = 98 at significance level of 5%, the acceptance limit rhotable = 0.195 and significance level of 5%. From the result of analysis on learning motivation, learning independence and academic counseling, and the learning achievement, it is obtained the rhoresult = 0.457, therefore the rhoresult value is higher than the rhotable. Thus, the learning motivation, learning independence and academic counseling has significant relation to the learning achievement. The conclusion of research is that there is a significant relation between learning independence, and academic counseling, and the learning achievement variable. Keywords: Learning independence and learning achievement.