Penulis Utama : Lambang Prakoso
NIM / NIP : C0305040
× ABSTRACT This research belongs to a mixed research of qualitative and quantitative methodology employing descriptive method. It is aimed to describe the translation techniques occurred in the translation and the quality assessment of the translation from the website It is also aimed to find out the quality assessment that covers accuracy, acceptability and readability of the phrases of website This research applies purposive sampling as the sampling technique, since the samples are chosen and determined by the researcher. This research is conducted based on primary and secondary data. The primary data consists of 172 phrases taken from the and its translation. The secondary data are taken by distributing questionnaires to some raters and respondents. The analysis shows that the translation techniques used by the translator in translating the are translation shifts, literal translation, naturalization, borrowing or borrowing plus explanation, addition, and free translation. The analysis on translation accuracy shows that there are 146 data considered to be accurate translation. There 26 data considered to be less accurate with classification It means that, in general, the translation is accurate. The analysis on translation acceptability shows that there are 157 data considered to be acceptable translation. There are 15 data considered to be less acceptable. The analysis on translation readability shows that there are 5 data considered to be readable translation with classification A. There are 101 data considered to be less readable with classification B. There are 66 data considered to be unreadable translation with classification C. It means that, in general, the translation is less readable. It is hoped that this thesis will be beneficial for the English Department students, especially who study translation, as one of the additional source to enlarge and sharpen knowledge about translation, especially related with website translation. Moreover, they can use this research as a reference to conduct a further research related to this study. The researcher also hopes that this thesis can also stimulate other researchers to conduct a further study related to website translation. This research is also recommended to the translator and designer of to improve the quality of the website.