Penulis Utama : Albertus Agung Yuwono
NIM / NIP : C0303007
× ABSTRACT This research was conducted to know the types of sexual slangs, the translation strategies to translate them, and the effects of the strategies to the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability. This is a descriptive qualitative research and is designed as a single- embedded case study. The researcher used both total sampling technique to collect the primary data and purposive sampling technique to gain the secondary data from the three raters. There are two methods of data collection in this research, namely: (1) content analysis done by selecting all dialogues in the film containing sexual slangs (34 data), and (2) questionnaires distributed to the three raters which are in the forms of closed and open format. The result of the research shows that there are four types of sexual slangs in the film THE GURU, namely (1) sexual slangs referring to sexual organs (10 data or 29.4%), (2) sexual slangs referring to sexual processes (12 data or 35.3%), (3) sexual slangs referring to sexual activities (7 data or 20.6%), and (4) sexual slangs referring to people and their psychological characteristics (5 data or 15.7%). Dealing with the translation strategies, the researcher found four translation strategies, namely: (1) translation using words or phrases of similar referential and expressive meaning (8 data or 23.5%), (2) translation using words or phrases of similar referential but dissimilar expressive meaning (19 data or 55.9%), (3) translation using words or phrases of dissimilar referential and expressive meaning (3 data or 8.8%), (4) translation using loan words (4 data or 11.8%). The most dominant strategy used by the translator is translation using words or phrases of similar referential but dissimilar expressive meaning, while the strategy which is rarely used by the translator is translation using words or phrases of dissimilar referential and expressive meaning. Regarding the level of accuracy of the translation, the researcher found that from the total 34 data, there are 28 data or 82.4% considered to be accurate, 3 data or 8.8% considered to be less accurate, and 3 data or 8.8% considered to be inaccurate. The average of the mean for accuracy is 2.67 meaning that the sexual slangs translation is accurate. The strategies used by the translator producing high level of accuracy are (1) translation using words or phrases of similar referential and expressive meaning, and (2) translation using loan words, because both of the strategies result in 100% accurate translation. However, both of the two strategies are rarely used by the translator. Meanwhile, the strategy producing poor level of accuracy is translation using words or phrases of dissimilar referential and expressive meaning which has only 3 data or 8.8% and all the three are considered inaccurate. With regard to the level of acceptability, the researcher found that from the total 34 data, there are 27 data or 79.4% considered to be acceptable, 7 data or 20.6% considered to be less acceptable, and 0 data or 0% considered to be unacceptable. The average of the mean for acceptability is 2.77 meaning that the sexual slangs translation is acceptable. The strategy used by the translator 51 producing high level of acceptability is translation using words or phrases of similar referential but dissimilar expressive meaning which covers 19 data and 17 data or 89.5% are considered to be acceptable and 2 data or 10.5% are considered to be less acceptable. Meanwhile, the strategy producing poor level of acceptability is translation using words or phrases of dissimilar referential and expressive meaning which covers only 3 data or 8.8% and all of them are considered to be less acceptable. Translating sexual slangs is a cultural bond activity requiring not only mastering both the source language and the target language but also the cultures of both languages in order to produce high quality of translation.
Penulis Utama : Albertus Agung Yuwono
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : C0303007
Tahun : 2010
Judul : A translation analysis of sexual slangs found in the film “the guru”
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - FSSR - 2010
Program Studi : S-1 Sastra Inggris
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-FSSR English Department-C0303007-2010
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Skripsi
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Dr.Djatmika, M. A. I th
Penguji :
Catatan Umum : 4280/2010
Fakultas : Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
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