Pengaruh konsentrasi kalsium propionat terhadap angka lempeng total dan mutu kimia bubuk kedelai sebagai minuman
Penulis Utama
Dwi Haryati
Penambahan kalsium propionat pada bubuk kedelai yang digunakan sebagai minuman diharapkan mampu menurunkan angka lempeng total sekaligus mempertahankan mutu kimia. Penelitian ini memiliki empat tujuan. Pertama, mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi kalsium propionat terhadap angka lempeng total bubuk kedelai. Kedua, mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi kalsium propionat terhadap mutu kimia (angka asam dan TBA) bubuk kedelai. Ketiga, mengetahui konsentrasi kalsium propionat terbaik berdasar kesukaan panelis. Keempat, mengetahui kandungan proksimat bubuk kedelai dengan penambahan kalsium propionat pada konsentrasi yang paling disukai.
Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan, yaitu P1 (Produk komersial ‘XX’), P2 (Kalsium propionat 1x%), P3 (Kalsium propionat 2x%), P4 (Kalsium propionat 3x%), dan (Kalsium propionat 4x%). Data angka lempeng total, mutu kimia (angka asam dan TBA), dan analisis organoleptik dilakukan analisa varian pada α=0,05 dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis DMRT, sedangkan untuk hasil proksimat dianalisis dengan T-test.
Penambahan kalsium propionat berhasil menurunkan angka lempeng total serta mempertahankan mutu kimia (angka asam dan TBA). Penambahan kalsium propionat 3x% memiliki angka lempeng total 3,429 (log cfu/gram), angka asam 0,124 dan nilai TBA 0,029. Hasil terbaik dari analisis organoleptik adalah penambahan kalsium propionat 3x%, yang memiliki kadar air (3,43%), kadar protein (46,90%), kadar lemak (23,02%), kadar karbohidrat (25,90%), serta kadar abu (4,18%).
Kata Kunci: bubuk kedelai, kalsium propionat, angka lempeng total, mutu kimia
The addition of calcium propionate into soybean powder which is used as a beverage is expected to reduce the total plate count while keeping the chemical quality. This study has four objectives. First, to determine the effect of calcium propionate concentration on total plate count. Second, to determine the effect of calcium propionate concentration on the chemical quality (acid value and Thio Barbituric Acid ). Third, to determine the optimal concentration of calcium propionate which is most preferred by panelists. Fourth, to determine the proximate content (moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and ash) of soybean powder which is most preferred by panelist.
This research using Completely Randomized Design (CDR) with five different concentrations of Calcium propionate treatments. The treatments were respectively P1 (Commercial Product 'XX'), P2 (1x% calcium propionate), P3 (2x% calcium propionate), P4 (3x% calcium propionate %), and (4x% calcium propionate). Total plate count, chemical quality (acid value and Thiobarbituric acid ), and organoleptic test were analysis by ANOVA at α=0,05 and followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test, but proximate test was analysis by T-test.
The addition of calcium propionate succeeded in reducing the total plate count and maintain the chemical quality (acid value and TBA) of soybean powder. The addition of calcium propionate 3x% has a total plate count 3.429 (log cfu/g), acid value 0.029 and TBA value 0.124. Based on the organoleptic analysis, it was known that the best treatment was the addition of calcium propionate 3x% which is has a water content (3.43%), protein content (46.90%), fat content (23.02%), carbohydrate content (25.90%), and ash content (4.18%).
Keywords : Soybean powder, calcium propionate, total plate count, chemical quality
Penulis Utama
Dwi Haryati
Penulis Tambahan
Pengaruh konsentrasi kalsium propionat terhadap angka lempeng total dan mutu kimia bubuk kedelai sebagai minuman
Surakarta - F. Pertanian - 2010
Program Studi
S-1 Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
UNS-F. Pertanian Prog. Studi Teknologi Hasil Pertanian-H.0606012-2010
Kata Kunci
Jenis Dokumen
Link DOI / Jurnal
1. Ir. MAM. Andriani, MS 2. Godras Jati Manuhara, STP
Catatan Umum
Fak. Pertanian
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