Penulis Utama : Nina Afrida
NIM / NIP : S890908201
× ABSTRACT This research is aimed at finding out whether: (1) reciprocal teaching model is more effective than direct instructional model to teach reading; (2) students who have high intelligence have better reading skill than those who have low intelligence; (3) there is an interaction effect between teaching models and students’ intelligence on the students’ reading skill. This research is an experimental research. The population is the fourth semester of the English Department of STAIN Zawiyah Cot Kala Langsa in the 2009/2010 academic year. It consists of 166 students. Cluster random sampling is used to get the sample. The sample used in this research is 40 students of the English Department 3 as the experimental class and 40 students of the English Department 1 as the control class. The techniques of collecting data in this research are tests (reading test and intelligence test). Before the reading test is used, a tryout is done to know the validity and reliability. The techniques of analyzing the data are descriptive statistics in looking for mean, standard deviation, mode, median, and inferential analysis. The researcher uses normality test adopting Lilliefors and homogeneity testing adopting chi-square (X) test. The data are analyzed using ANOVA 2x2 or F-test. To know which teaching model is more effective and which group is better, the Tukey’s test is used. The critical value used in this test is α=0.05. Based on the result of this research, the findings are: (1) reciprocal teaching model is more effective than direct Instructional model to teach reading; (2) the students who have high intelligence have better reading skill than those who have low intelligence; (3) there is an interaction effect between teaching models and students’ intelligence in terms of the students’ reading skill. Referring to the findings above, it can be concluded that reciprocal teaching model is a very effective model for teaching reading to the fourth semester students of the English Department of STAIN Zawiyah Cot Kala Langsa. Therefore, it is suggested that: (1) it is better for teacher to apply reciprocal teaching model in instructional process; (2) the students must be aware of the importance of active involvement in teaching learning process; and (3) for the other researchers who would like to conduct future research of the same kind with different sample and different students’ condition, this result of study can become reference.