Penulis Utama : Harsoyo
NIM / NIP : S83090812
× ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran STAD dan Jigsaw terhadap prestasi belajar, (2) pengaruh kemampuan menggunakan alat ukur listrik terhadap prestasi belajar, (3) pengaruh aktivitas belajar terhadap prestasi belajar, (4) interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan kemampuan menggunakan alat ukur listrik terhadap prestasi belajar, (5) interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan aktivitas belajar terhadap prestasi belajar, (6) interaksi antara kemampuan menggunakan alat ukur listrik dengan aktivitas belajar terhadap prestasi belajar, (7) interaksi antara model pembelajaran, kemampuan menggunakan alat ukur listrik dan aktivitas belajar terhadap prestasi belajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Populasi adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta tahun pelajaran 2008/2009, sejumlah 10 kelas. Sampel penelitian ditentukan secara acak dengan teknik cluster random sampling terdiri dari empat kelas. Dua kelas eksperimen 1 dengan model Jigsaw dan dua kelas eksperimen 2 menggunakan model STAD. Teknik pengumpulan data untuk prestasi kognitif dengan metode tes, prestasi afektif dan prestasi psikomotor menggunakan metode observasi. Uji hipotesis penelitian menggunakan anava tiga jalan sel tak sama dengan bantuan software minitab 15. Uji lanjut dengan ANOVA dan analisis Kruskal-Wallis. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data disimpulkan: (1) tidak ada pengaruh model pembelajaran STAD dan Jigsaw terhadap prestasi kognitif (pvalue= 0,451), namun ada pengaruh model pembelajaran terhadap prestasi afektif (pvalue = 0,000), dan juga ada pengaruh model pembelajaran terhadap prestasi psikomotor (pvalue= 0,004), (2) ada pengaruh kemampuan menggunakan alat ukur listrik terhadap prestasi kognitif (pvalue= 0,002), namun terhadap prestasi afektif tidak ada pengaruh (pvalue= 0,093), dan juga terhadap prestasi psikomotor tidak ada pengaruh (pvalue = 0,264), (3) tidak ada pengaruh aktivitas belajar terhadap prestasi kognitif (pvalue = 0,204), juga terhadap prestasi afektif tidak ada pengaruh aktivitas belajar (pvalue= 0,214) demikian juga terhadap prestasi psikomotor tidak ada pengaruh aktivitas belajar (pvalue= 0,111), (4) ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan kemampuan menggunakan alat ukur listrik terhadap prestasi kognitif (pvalue = 0,000), (5) tidak ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan aktivitas belajar terhadap prestasi kognitif (pvalue = 0,984), (6) tidak ada interaksi antara kemampuan menggunakan alat ukur listrik dengan aktivitas belajar terhadap prestasi kognitif (pvalue = 0,054), (7) tidak ada interaksi model pembelajaran, kemampuan menggunakan alat ukur listrik dan aktivitas belajar terhadap prestasi kognitif (pvalue = 0,127). Kata kunci: STAD, Jigsaw, Kognitif, Psikomotor, Afektif. ABSTRACT This research aims at finding out: (1) the effect of the use of STAD and Jigsaw learning models on the learning achievement, (2) the effect of the ability in using the electricity measuring device on the learning achievement, (3) the effect of the learning activity on the learning achievement, (4) the interaction between the learning models and the ability in using the electricity measuring device on the learning achievement, (5) the interaction between the use of the learning models and the learning activity on the learning achievement, (6) the interaction of the ability in using the electricity measuring device and the learning activity on the learning achievement, and (7) the interaction of the use of the learning models, the ability in using the electricity measuring device, and the learning activity on the learning achievement. This research is an experimental one. Its population was all of the students in Grade X consisting of 10 classes of State Senior Secondary School 1 of Surakarta in the academic year of 2008/2009. The samples of the research consisting of 4 classes of students in Grade X were taken randomly by using a cluster random sampling technique. They were then divided into two experimental groups; each group consisted of 2 classes. The first group used the STAD learning model whereas the second one used the Jigsaw learning model. The data of the cognitive achievement were gathered through the test of learning achievement, and those of the affective and psychomotor achievement were gathered through observation. The hypotheses of the research were tested by using a three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with unequal cells aided by the computer software minitab 15. They were then tested by using the Kruskal-Wallis’s formulae. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are drawn as follows. 1) There is not any effect of the use of STAD and Jigsaw learning models on the cognitive learning achievement (pvalue = 0.451). However, there is an effect of the use of STAD and Jigsaw learning models on the affective learning achievement (pvalue = 0.000) and the psychomotor learning achievement (pvalue =0.004). 2) There is an effect of the ability in using the electricity measuring device on the cognitive learning achievement (pvalue =0.002). However, there is not any effect of the ability in using the electricity measuring device on the affective learning achievement (pvalue = 0.093) and the psychomotor learning achievement (pvalue =0.264). 3) There is not ay effect of the learning activity on the learning cognitive learning achievement (pvalue =0.204), the affective learning achievement (pvalue = 0.214) and the psychomotor learning achievement (pvalue =0.111). 4) There is an interaction of effect between the use of the learning models and the ability in using the electricity measuring device on the cognitive learning achievement (pvalue = 0.000). 5) There is not any interaction of effect between the use of the learning models and the learning activity on the learning achievement (pvalue = 0.984). 6) There is not any interaction of effect of the ability in using the electricity measuring device and the learning activity on the learning achievement (pvalue = 0.054). 7) There is not any interaction of effect of the use of the learning models, the ability in using the electricity measuring device, and the learning activity on the learning achievement (pvalue = 0.127). Key words: STAD, Jigsaw, cognitive, psychomotor, affective
Penulis Utama : Harsoyo
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : S83090812
Tahun : 2010
Judul : Pembelajaran fisika melalui model stad (student teams achievement divisions) dan jigsaw ditinjau dari kemampuan menggunakan alat ukur listrik dan aktivitas belajar
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - FKIP - 2010
Program Studi : S-2 Pendidikan Sains
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-Pascasarjana Jur. Pendidikan fisika-S.83090812-2010
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Tesis
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Dr. H. Widha Sunarno, M.Pd
2. Drs. Haryono, M.Pd.
Penguji :
Catatan Umum : 1923/2010
Fakultas : Fak. KIP
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