An analysis of flouting maxims in “forest gump” film based on grice’s cooperative principles. (a pragmatics approach)
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This is a qualitative descriptive research entitled An Analysis of Flouting Maxims in “Forest Gump” Film Based on Grice’s Cooperative Principle (A Pragmatics Approach). The topic is chosen since it is interesting to figure out what speaker really means in his or her utterance.
This research applies Pragmatics approach based on Grice’s theory. It consists of Cooperative Principles, their maxims and flouting maxims. In this research, the sources of data are the film entitled Forest Gump and the film script. In analyzing, the researcher applies a total sampling technique, where all 21 data are displayed in this research.
This thesis is aimed to describe how the flouting maxims and the cooperative Principle can help the addressee to understand reason the intended meaning (implicature) employed by the characters in the film.
The results of the data analysis show that there are three categories. The first category is flouting clash between maxims found in 21 data. The flouting clash between maxims is divided into 5 sub-categories. The first is the flouting maxims of Quality, Quantity and Manner which shows that the participants blatantly give more information than it is required with something which is untrue and also difficult to understand because it is unclear and long winded. The second is the flouting maxims of Quantity, Manner and Relevance which shows that the participants blatantly give more information which is long winded and not relevant to the question. The third is the flouting maxims of Quality and Quantity. It shows that the participants blatantly say something untrue by giving more information that it is not required. The fourth is the flouting maxims of Quantity and Manner. The overlap between the two maxims above shows that the participants blatantly give more information than it is required which may create ambiguous, convoluted perception. The fifth is the flouting maxim of quantity and relevance which shows that the participants blatantly give more or less information than it is required and not relevant to the question.
The second category is the flouting maxim of Quantity. It shows that the participants in the dialog blatantly give more information than it is required.
The third category is the flouting maxim of quality. It shows that the participants blatantly say something untrue and lack of adequate information.
The results of the data analysis show that the maxim/s flouted in the conversation may contain hidden meaning (implicature) which has certain intention. The implicature in this film are used when the speaker cannot say directly, with certain consideration related to the context of situation. The implicature shows the speaker’s feeling and intended meaning. The implicature helps the hearer to catch the speaker’s intention. By creating implicature, the speaker actually wishes to make the hearer look for the real meaning (intended meaning).
The results also show that the data analysis reveals the use of an implicature in the dialogue between the characters in the film “Forest Gump” depends on the context of situation. The characters employ the flouting maxims in order to make the conversation run smoothly.
Keyword: Pragmatics, flouting maxims, Grice’s cooperative principle,
xvi+ 99, 5 appendices
Bibliography: 18 (1979 - 2009)
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Penulis Tambahan
An analysis of flouting maxims in “forest gump” film based on grice’s cooperative principles. (a pragmatics approach)
Surakarta - FSSR - 2010
Program Studi
S-1 Sastra Inggris
UNS-FSSR Jur. Bahasa Inggris-C.03035049-2010
Kata Kunci
Jenis Dokumen
Link DOI / Jurnal
1. Drs. Budi Waskita, M. Pd
Catatan Umum
Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
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