A comparative study of tenor on advertisement texts of the Sunan Hotel and Lor-In hotel published in brochures (based on systemic functional linguistics approach)
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This research belongs to a qualitative research employing descriptive comparative method. It purposes to explore and compare the tenor of The Sunan Hotel and Lor-In Hotel published in brochures by using Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach. The research is aimed to find out the dimension of tenor; status, affect and contact of both texts. In addition, it is intended to know the similarities and differences of both texts.
The data are in the form of lexicogrammar, cohesion, text structure and genre. The source of data of this research is the advertisement texts of The Sunan Hotel and Lor-In Hotel published in brochures. The research applies total sampling technique which means that the whole data of the texts are analyzed.
This research is conducted by analyzing the data through the description of lexicogrammar, cohesion, text structure and genre to explore the tenor which covers status, affect and contact. Finally, this research is aimed to find out the similarities and differences of both texts.
From the data analysis, it can be concluded that the status between the writers (advertisers) and the readers tends to be unequal. It can be seen from the employment of imperative clauses functioning as proposal and the modality system. Meanwhile, the status between the writers and the hotels is equal. It is expressed through the employment of indicative declarative clauses functioning as proposition.
The affect of both texts shows positive judgment between the writers to the hotels and the writers to the readers. It is shown by the employment of MOOD system, positive polarity, genre, descriptive lexis and attitudinal lexis. Even though, there are some negative polarities and imperative clauses functioning as proposal found in the texts, it does not mean that the writers judge the readers and hotels negatively because they are intentionally used to show that the hotels have different and unique characteristics from the others.
Meanwhile, in terms of contact, both texts have familiar and understandable language. It is proved from the employment of description genre. The writers describe the texts into some stages, namely the title and descriptions which focus on one participant only. It is intended to enable the readers comprehend the texts. Dealing with the clause system, these texts use minor clauses and simplex clauses dominantly. It is intended to enable the readers understand and comprehend the texts. Although there are some complex clauses found in the texts, they are still familiar and easy to understand since they are composed in clear logical relations.
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Penulis Tambahan
A comparative study of tenor on advertisement texts of the Sunan Hotel and Lor-In hotel published in brochures (based on systemic functional linguistics approach)
Surakarta - FSSR - 2010
Program Studi
S-1 Sastra Inggris Non Reguler
UNS-FSSR Jur. Bahasa Inggris-C.1307510-2010
Kata Kunci
Jenis Dokumen
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1. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed.
Catatan Umum
Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
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