Analisis kelayakan investasi pembangunan kembali pasar gading kota Surakarta (analysis on the investment of pasar gading reconstruction in Surakarta City)
Penulis Utama
Pasar Gading Surakarta city is located on Jl. Veteran, Village Pasar Kliwon, Pasar Kliwon District, Surakarta City. Pasar Gading development is proof of Surakarta City Government's commitment to improving the welfare of the people of Surakarta in the fields of trade, and serves as a means of social activity. Pasar Gading is a traditional commercial building, then in the form of building construction prefer the simple, local distinctively modern impressed, so it can still be achieved with relatively cheaper prices by traders.
The purpose of this study to analyze the investment and the minimum selling price per m2 for shop front, side, and back on Pasar Gading Surakarta city to the project can be feasible. Feasibility analysis performed by the following criteria: Perbandingan Manfaat dan Biaya (benefit cost ratio) and Analisa Titik Impas (break even point). The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. Descriptive meaning that the exposure problem, and the analysis of data collected means initially arranged, described, and then analyzed. This method explains the relationship between the magnitudes of the building management with financial benchmarks in the project economical.
The results showed that the investment needed for development projects Pasar Gading Surakarta city is Rp. 8,624,100,000.00. In a break even with a trading value for the installment period during the three years is the front stalls Rp. 3,010,796.03 / month, kiosk side of Rp. 2,508,996.69 / month, kiosk rear of Rp. 2,007,197.35 / month and investment can be returned in 3.61 years. For the period of installments over five years is the front stalls Rp. 2,040,054.48 / month, kiosk side of Rp. 1,700,045.40 / month, kiosk rear of Rp. 1,360,036.32 / month and investment can be returned in 6.81 years old. Sales price prevailing in the field is the front stalls Rp. 1,500,000.00 / month, kiosk side of Rp. 1,250,000.00 / month, kiosk rear of Rp. 1,000,000.00 / month.
Keywords : investment, selling price, break even
Penulis Utama
Penulis Tambahan
Analisis kelayakan investasi pembangunan kembali pasar gading kota Surakarta (analysis on the investment of pasar gading reconstruction in Surakarta City)