Di perusahaan jenang mubarokfood cipta delicia kudus (proses produksi jenang)
Penulis Utama
Ananda Intan Bastian Putri
Kegiatan magang ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses produksi dan quality control di PT. Mubarokfood Cipta Delicia. Pelaksanaan magang pada tanggal 15Maret-15 April 2010 di PT. Mubarokfood Cipta Delicia Kudus, Jawa Tengah.
Pengumpulan data dalam kegiatan magang ini dilaksanakan dengan metode wawancara, observasi, terlibat langsung dalam proses pengujian kualitas jenang serta mencatat dan analisa data.
Proses produksi yang dilakukan di PT. Mubarokfood Cipta Delicia adalah proses pencampuran dan hasilnya berupa adonan kental yang kemudian dilakukan proses pendinginan. Proses produksi dimulai dari Pengujian mutu bahan baku, proses produksi, pengujian kualitas jenang.
Pengujian kualitas jenang meliputi uji stabilitas santan, uji viskositas, uji kadar air, uji organoleptik yaitu uji rasa, uji aroma, uji tekstur, dan uji stabilitas santan. Tepung beras ketan merupakan bahan baku yang penting bagi industri pengolahan jenang. Pemilihan beras ketan yang baik yaitu dengan metode sampling dengan mengambil sampel dan dipisahkan antara ketan dan beras biasa. Standar stabilitas santan adalah lebih dari 2,5 ml endapan atau emulsi. Standar viskositas yang digunakan perusahaan yaitu 900 cP sampai 1100cP. Standar kadar air yaitu 9% sampai 12%. Sedangkan uji organoleptik meliputi parameter rasa yang mania, tekstur yang lembek dan aroma khas jenang.
Kata kunci: Proses Produksi Jenang
Activity of this apprentice aimed to knew production process and quality control in Mubarokfood Cipta Delicia, Ltd. Execution of apprentice was done on March 15th until April 15th 2010 in Mubarokfood Cipta Delicia, Ltd Kudus, Central Java.
Data collecting in activity of this apprentice executed with interview method, observation, involves directly in quality examination process of smooth rice taffy and notes and analysis data.
Production process done in Mubarokfood Cipta Delicia, Ltd is mixing process and result of this process was in the form of viscid dough which then was done cooling process. Production process started from quality examination of raw material, production process, quality examination of end product of rice taffy.
Quality examination of rice taffy covers coconut mink stability testing, viscosity test, water content test, organoleptic test that is taste test, aroma test, texture test, and coconut mink stability testing. Sticky rice flour is raw material which necessary for processing industry of rice taffy. Election of good sticky rice that is by sampling method by taking sample and dissociated between the sticky rice and rice. Coconut mink stability standard is more than 2,5 ml sediment or emulsion. Viscosity standard applied by company that is 900 cP until 1100cP. Water content standard that is 9% until 12%. While organoleptic test is covered sweet taste parameter, flabby texture and typical aroma of rice taffy.
Keyword: Production Process of Smooth Rice Taffy
Penulis Utama
Ananda Intan Bastian Putri
Penulis Tambahan
1. 2.
Di perusahaan jenang mubarokfood cipta delicia kudus (proses produksi jenang)
Surakarta - F. Pertanian - 2010
Program Studi
D-3 Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
UNS-F. Pertanian Prog. Diploma III Teknologi Hasil Pertanian -H.3107091-2010
Kata Kunci
Jenis Dokumen
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Link DOI / Jurnal
1. Gusti Fauza, ST. MT 2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Handayani, Ms
Catatan Umum
Fak. Pertanian
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