Penulis Utama : Atik Prabantari
NIM / NIP : C9307022
× ABSTRACT This final project report was written based on the job training done by the writer as an English teacher in SDN Masaran I, Sragen. In teaching English, the writer applied game techniques as the techniques of teaching. The game technique applied by the teacher was matching pairs game. The teacher applied this game to make the students enjoy the English learning activities. The teaching process based on matching pairs game was divided into three steps. They were introduction, explanation and practice. In the first step as the introduction, the teacher made two pre-teaching activities called, reviewing the previous lesson and presenting the new material. Then, the teacher offered the students to play matching pairs game. The next step was explanation. Here, the teacher explained how to play this game and its rules. Last, the teacher asked them to play the game based on the teacher‟s guidance. During the job training activities, the writer got some useful exp eriences. There, the teacher can understand how to handle the students in the class by applying game technique. There are also some benefits got by the writer during the job training activities. The writer is able to control the class well and knows how to arrange the lesson plan appropriately.
Penulis Utama : Atik Prabantari
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : C9307022
Tahun : 2010
Judul : Teaching english based on game technique to the second grade students of SDN Masaran I, Sragen
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - FSSR - 2010
Program Studi : D-3 Sastra Inggris
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-FSSR Prog. Diploma III Bahasa Inggris-C.9307022-2010
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Tri Wiratno, M.A.
Penguji :
Catatan Umum : 3169/2010
Fakultas : Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
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