Mekanisme sales contract process outdoor furniture ke pasar eropa pada CV Nova Furniture Boyolali
Penulis Utama
Dewi Yuliati
The purpose of this research is to find the mechanism of order sheet and
sales contract process that is applied by CV Nova Furniture includes the obstacles,
and the difference of buyer characteristic between Denmark and USA in creating
a commercial relation with CV Nova Furniture.
This research used descriptive analysis method explaining about the
mechanism of sales contract which is applied by CV Nova Furniture in
accomplishing the buyer’s order. The source of data about the information related
with the research are got by doing interview with the employers in CV Nova
Furniture about how the mechanism of sales contract process is applied by CV
Nova Furniture until now. The researcher also explanation is descriptive.
Descriptive explanation is technique to make a description systematically,
factually, and accurately about the object researched.
The process of sales contract which is applied by CV Nova Furniture is
communication promotion, offer (an offer using telephone or email or fax)- order
(in a form of technical drawing from buyer). Whereas the theory is a promotion
which completed by brochures and introduction letter, inquiry included letter
document of inquiry, offer which is completed with offer sheet document, order
with order sheet document. The obstacles in the process of order sheet are the
character of clumsy buyers, the claim of goods broken, indesciplinire of
production and the time of finishing the order which is too short. Also the
different character of Denmark and USA’s buyers, Denmark’s buyers are arrogant
and clumsy in negotiation, whereas the buyers of USA are warm and nice in
Based on the result of research above, the researcher give some advices such
as the steps of sales contract should be in written documents because as the means
of joining two sides for doing their own right and obligation. In doing the
negotiation, seller should learn the characteristic of buyer so it will run well. The
problems in breakage the goods can be solved by improving the quality. The
problem of production capacity is inconsecutively can be solved by improving the
coordination between PPIC with production manager in order to be more
controllable. The solution for the time of finishing the order can be solved by
doing coordination between the craftsmen to finish the buyers order.
Keywords: Sales Contract, Introduction Letter, Offer sheet, Order sheet, Letter of
Inquiry, Technical Drawing
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mekanisme sales
contract process yang diterapkan CV Nova Furniture disertai dengan hambatan-
hambatan, serta perbedaan karakteristik buyer antara Denmark dan USA dalam
menjalin kontrak dagang dengan CV Nova Furniture.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisa deskripsi mengenai mekanisme
sales contract yang diterapkan CV Nova Furniture dalam memenuhi pesanan
buyer. Sumber data yang berisi tentang berbagai keterangan mengenai hal-hal
yang berkaitan dengan penelitian diperoleh peneliti dengan cara wawancara pada
pihak CV Nova Furniture mengenai bagaimana mekanisme sales contract process
yang diterapkan CV Nova Furniture sampai saat ini. Peneliti juga melakukan
observasi langsung di CV Nova Furniture. Teknik pembahasan pada penelitian ini
adalah pembahasan deskriptif yaitu teknik untuk membuat gambaran atau
deskriptif secara sistematis, faktual, aktual, dan akurat mengenai obyek yang
Proses sales contract yang diterapkan CV Nova Furniture yaitu promosi-
komunikasi- offer (penawaran menggunakan telepon/ email/ fax)- order
(berbentuk technical drawing dari buyer). Sedangkan teorinya yaitu promosi yang
disertai brosur dan introduction letter, inquiry yang disertai dokumen letter of
inquiry, offer yang disertai dokumen offersheet, order yang disertai dokumen
ordersheet. Lalu hambatan dalam proses ordersheet adalah watak buyer yang
kaku, klaim kerusakan barang, produksi yang kurang teratur, dan waktu
penyelesaian pesanan sempit. Serta karakteristik buyer Denmark dan USA yang
berbeda, buyer Denmark yang arogan dan kaku dalam negoisasi, sedangkan buyer
USA yang hangat dan lunak dalam negoisasi.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, peneliti memberikan beberapa saran
antara lain tahapan sales contract hendaknya berbentuk dokumen tertulis karena
sebagai alat untuk mengikat kedua belah pihak untuk menjalankan hak dan
kewajiban masing-masing. Dalam melakukan negoisasi hendaknya seller
mempelajari karakteristik dari buyer agar negoisasi berjalan lancar. Permasalahan
klaim kerusakan barang bapat diatasi dengan meningkatkan kualitas barang.
Masalah kapasitas produksi kurang teratur diatasi dengan lebih meningkatkan
koordinasi antara bagian PPIC dengan manager produksi agar kegiatan tersebut
bisa lebih terkontrol. Serta penyelesaian pesanan sempit, dapat dilakukan
koordinasi dengan pengrajin untuk mengerjakan pesanan dari buyer.
Kata kunci: Sales Contract, Introduction Letter, Offersheet, Ordersheet, Letter of
Inquiry, Technical Drawing.
Penulis Utama
Dewi Yuliati
Penulis Tambahan
Mekanisme sales contract process outdoor furniture ke pasar eropa pada CV Nova Furniture Boyolali
Surakarta - F. Ekonomi - 2010
Program Studi
D-3 Bisnis Internasional
UNS-F. Ekonomi Prog. Studi Diploma III Bisnis Internasional-F.3107058-2010
Kata Kunci
Jenis Dokumen
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Link DOI / Jurnal
1. Anashohibul MA, SE.
Catatan Umum
Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
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