Evaluasi pelayanan pajak kendaraan bermotor pada SAMSAT Surakarta terkait penerapan standart ISO 9001:2000 terhadap penerimaan pajak
Penulis Utama
Hanung Indra Widyowati
× Abstrak
Tax is a source of country income that use to development finance. One kinds of the tax is pajak kendaraan bermotor (PKB). PKB is tax province that use to pay province expending and public prosperity. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the service and to know the achievement of society satisfaction index (IKM) and the development of PKB income during 2006-2009 that related to SAMSAT profesionalism of Surakarta city who has applied the ISO standart 9001:2000.
This research was taken with observation and documentation method. The meaning of observation is by doing monitoring directly to the object that researched. The meaning of documentation collecting report data from SAMSAT of Surakarta.
According to the research, the service that given by SAMSAT was good. Public believe the service because SAMSAT has applied ISO standart which the organization quality management system admitted by international people. The realization not completed yet, those thing was proved with the increase of PKB income in Surakarta during the last 4 years.
Researcher gave some recommendation to SAMSAT of Surakarta to increase the services by develop professionalism and transparency of work, observe the service to the tax payer, and strict the monitoring of the performance from officer.
Penulis Utama
Hanung Indra Widyowati
Penulis Tambahan
Evaluasi pelayanan pajak kendaraan bermotor pada SAMSAT Surakarta terkait penerapan standart ISO 9001:2000 terhadap penerimaan pajak