Improving the students` writing competence through process oriented approach (a classroom action research of the grade 9.2 students of SMP Negeri 1 Probolinggo in academic year of 2009/2010)
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This research is aimed at improving the students’ writing competence at SMP Negeri 1 Probolinggo in Academic Year of 2009/2010. It is assumed that the product will be good if the process is also good. In this research, there are two statements of problems: (1) Can process oriented approach improve the students’ writing competence of the grade 9.2 of the students of SMP Negeri 1 Probolinggo in Academic Year of 2009/2010? and (2) How can process oriented approach energize the students in writing process in the classroom of the grade 9.2 of the students of SMP Negeri 1 Probolinggo in Academic Year of 2009/2010? Related to the statement of problems, the researcher believes that the Process Oriented Approach (POA) is able to solve the problems of students writing competence.
The research was conducted through Classroom Action Research (CAR). The research was conducted in three cycles. Every cycle consisted of: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Each meeting consisted of three steps: 1) prewriting, 2) writing, and rewriting that were broken down into the activity of building knowledge of field, modeling of text, outlining, drafting, and editing as the media to achieve the objectives of learning writing.
The researcher used two techniques in collecting the data – test and non-test. The researcher used subjective test to measure the students writing competence with the rubrics – content, organization, vocabulary, language and mechanics created by Tribble (1996: 130 – 131). The result of subjective test was used to know the students’ success in writing process quantitatively while non-test used by the researcher was to get the qualitative data were taken through observation, interview, and questionnaires. The qualitative data was taken from three sources namely students, collaborator, and researcher himself to make the valid data. After the data had collected, the researcher and the collaborator analyzed and classified based on the sections. Then, they concluded the data collected as the research report.
Quantitatively, the results of the implementation indicated that POA could improve and enhance the students’ writing competence. It could be seen that the grade 9.2 students of SMP Negeri 1 Probolinggo were able to improve their scores significantly. Here are the improvement between the results of cycle 1 to Cycle 3. The mean score in terms of content had improved from 14.57 to 16.48, the organization had improved from 13.91 to 16.22, the vocabulary had improved from 13.87 to 16.00, the language had improved from 17.87 to 22.30, and the mechanics had improved from 6.48 to 7.83. The mean scores of the students’ writing competence had improved significantly from 64.04 to 75.91.
Qualitatively, in joining the learning process, the students could show the motivation and self-esteem in joining the learning process of writing. It could be seen that the students’ involvement and motivation in learning process increased significantly. The percentage of teacher’s guide to the students in doing the task decreased significantly. It means that the students can be more independent in doing the tasks in the learning process of writing.
Classically, all the students had been successful in gaining the score of writing competence. The average score was 75.91. It was the fact that POA could really give the positive influence to the students’ improvement in English writing.
Individually, however, there were 21 students who had gained the scores of 70 – 94 and there were 2 students who had gained the scores of 65 – 67. It could be concluded that there were about 91.30% of students who had fulfilled the passing grade of 70 but there were 8.70% of students had not. In conclusion, there were twenty students who had been successful in the writing competence while two students had not.
Process oriented approach is one of approaches that is appropriate to improve the writing competence. So, it is necessary to develop and to apply it in the learning process for writing. This approach is flexible to apply in writing skills because everything needs the process before creating the last products. Frankly speaking, if the process can be done effectively and efficiently, the product must indicate the positive influence. If the process cannot be done well, it will be vise versa.
In addition, based on the observation that had been done by the researcher, POA was able to improve the students’ motivation and self-esteem. So, it is really able to energize the students in term of learning process of writing. Finally, the students are successful in achieving the passing grade of 70 and even the last scores of students writing competences are 75.91 – pass over the students ‘KKM’ of 70.
In implementing POA for the teacher should have a lot of competence, especially in preparing the learning materials, in handling the learning process, in mastering the knowledge of writing, and in creating innovative techniques and strategies of learning, and in managing the time. If the teacher is lacks of the teaching and learning competencies, POA cannot run effectively. As the result, it cannot give the positive influences to the developing the students’ writing competence.
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Improving the students` writing competence through process oriented approach (a classroom action research of the grade 9.2 students of SMP Negeri 1 Probolinggo in academic year of 2009/2010)