Penulis Utama : Ni Made Dita Ningrum
NIM / NIP : C9308005
× This final project report was based on the job training in SDN Ngoresan 80 Surakarta which was done by the writer. This final project report is written to describe the process of teaching and learning vocabulary to the 5th grade students of SDN Ngoresan 80 Surakarta, to find out the problems in the process of teaching and learning vocabulary to the 5th grade students of SDN Ngoresan 80 Surakarta and to give the solutions for the problems in the process of teaching and learning vocabulary to the 5th grade students of SDN Ngoresan 80 Surakarta. The writer did some activities during the process of teaching and learning vocabulary to the 5th grade students of SDN Ngoresan 80 Surakarta. The process can be classified in four parts. They are opening, main activity, closing and assesment.In giving explanation, the writer used some techniques to make the students understand the material easily, they are using picture related to the topic and guessing something. In practicing, there were four skill comprehensions such as speaking, writing, listening and reading skill. In this final project report, the writer also explains the problems faced by the the students and the writer during the process of teaching and learning vocabulary to the 5th grade students of SDN Ngorean 80 Surakarta. The problems of the students were memorizing English words,pronouncing English words and writing English words. The problems of the writer were big class and allocated time. The writer also gave the solutions to solve the problems.