Penulis Utama : Yonita Primi Sasingky
NIM / NIP : F3308125
× ABSTRACT One area business is the provision of credit cooperatives. Lending procedures or systems on a cooperative loan is used to lend money to its members. Cooperatives as a business entity without the support of the administration and bookkeeping system is adequate, then the cooperative will be difficult to improve the efficiency for the progress of his efforts. Lending to borrowers is very important to be evaluated. Prospective creditors themselves could potentially fraudulent act or fraudulent. This problem has often occurred in the world economy, so if there is such a case in a particular cooperative enterprise, the financial condition of these enterprises will surely go down or suffer losses. KPRI "“Sejahtera P&K” whose business is engaged in the provision of credit to small traders too have experienced problems such incident. The author conducted this study aims to evaluate the credit delivery system has been used by banks, so the system can be run better. In accordance with the above research problem, the system of credit on KPRI "Sejahtera P&K” is a system that has been well planned. The system consists of a credit application procedures, credit decision procedures, search procedures, credit and accounting procedures. But over time, those procedures are not executed properly. So writers need to evaluate the credit delivery system. Results of research has been conducted by the author there are some strengths and weaknesses in the system of credit pemeberian. The advantages of this system include: the separation of functions, the authorization system of documents used in each expenditure credit, cash checks and the presence and activities of the office every day by officers. While the weakness of this system include: part cash and part separate accounting with other functions, the form has not been printed serial numbered, and records that are still manual. Weaknesses in the system can be pemeberian credit evaluation and recommendation to fix the credit system on KPRI "Sejahtera P&K” to make it better again.
Penulis Utama : Yonita Primi Sasingky
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : F3308125
Tahun : 2011
Judul : Evaluasi Sistem Pemberian Kredit pada Kpri ”Sejahtera P&K” di Surakarta
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - F. Ekonomi - 2011
Program Studi : D-3 Akuntansi
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-F. Ekonomi Prog. D III Akuntansi-F.3308125-2011
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Sri Murni, SE., Msi, Ak.
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
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