Penulis Utama : Marita Sopia Anggraini
NIM / NIP : H0406003
× Garut plants (Maranta arundinacea L) is a type of tubers that contain lots of carbohydrates and can be used as an alternative food source. Garut plant can be substitute rice as staple crops without reducing the nutritional value. Garut production centers located in three villages in the Subdistrict Polokarto Regency Sukoharjo likes Polokarto Village, Bulu Village and Genengsari Village. At the garut production center, garut not only cultivated but also developed and utilized optimally to produce a variety of new processed products from garut tubers, such as garut flour and garut chips. This research is aimed to analyze the factors of perception builder of farmers, to analyze the level of perception of farmers and to analyze the relationship of the factors and perception of garut farmers on garut commodity development. The basic method of this research is by using descriptive study with survai technique. The determination of the location of the research was done intentionally (purposive). Population in this research was the whole of farmers that cultivating garut . The respondents who were applied were 40 respondents by using proportional random technique (proportional random sampling). To know the factors in forming the perception and the level of perception of farmers by using the interval wide formula. While to know the relationship between the factors in forming the perception and the level of perception of farmers towards development of garut commodity used correlation of Rank Spearman (rs). The result shows that age of respondent that is 25-35 years old as many 17 respondents or 42,5 percent. Formal education in great quantity is elementary graduated that is 21 respondents or 52,5 percent. Non formal education in great quantity is 22 respondents or 55 percent. The past experience in great quantity is 30 respondents or 75 percent. Income in great quantity is 27 respondents or 67,5 percent. Respondents Motivations in great quantity is 37 respondents or 92,5 percent. The Result of the research show that the level of perception in the research area is 65 percent it means in good category. From the rank spearman analysis there is a real significant relationship is non formal educations with perception of farmers towards the development of garut commodity. There is a significant relationship is experience and motivations with perception of farmers. There is non-significant relationship between the ages, formal educations, and farmers income on garut commodity development with perception of farmers towards the development of garut commodity