Penulis Utama : Nur Karima Shinta Dewi
NIM / NIP : D0206124
× Online news atau Media Online adalah sebuah hal baru yang mulai eksis sekitar 2 dekade yang lalu. Kini media online sudah banyak beredar di masyarakat bahkan persaingannya pun sangat ketat. Berdasarkan traffic, memperoleh urutan ke 9 sebagai website yang paling banyak di akses di Indonesia. Dan menempati urutan ke 13 di Indonesia. merupakan media online terbesar pertama di Indonesia, sedangkan merupakan media cetak terbesar di Indonesia yang juga merupakan media online yang memiliki traffic tertinggi dibawah Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat kesenjangan kepuasan antara dan Selain itu kegiatan penelitian juga digunakan sebagai acuan yang menghubungkan antara teori dengan praktek. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis kuantitatif eksplanatif yang menggunakan dasar teori uses and gratification model Palmgreen (1985). Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan kuesioner sedangkan data sekunder dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan, dokumen-dokumen serta dari sumber data tertulis. Populasinya adalah mahasiswa ilmu komunikasi FISIP UNS Solo yang masih aktif kuliah. Populasi merupakan mahasiswa FISIP UNS angkatan 2007-2011 yang membaca media online dan Teknik sensus sampling digunakan karena teknik ini mengambil semua populasi untuk dijadikan sample sehingga data yang didapat akan lebih valid. Analisa data menggunakan Discrepancy. Setelah dilakukan analisis data menggunakan cross tab dan rumus discrepancy, Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kesenjangan kepuasan antara media online dan, dimana dianggap lebi memuaskan pembaca apabila dibandingkan dengan Dalam penelitian ini, media use tidak mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya kepuasan seseorang dalam mengkonsumsi suatu media. With the establishment of Law No. 32 of 2002 which mandates the realization on Networking Broadcasting Station System (SSB), makes a local television station in whole regions in Indonensia increase significantly. A local television acts as a filter for cultural that lack of appropriate with local values. The presence of local television is expected to be means to improve access to information in local communities, it also can develop the region's potential become more advanced and prosperous through community economic development and improve public political education. Ironically, according to AGB Nielsen Media Research's Research, the acquisition of local television viewers declined from 2.7% down to 2.4 %. Meanwhile, scores of national television viewers reaching 97.6%. Therefore, to win sympathy for local audiences, local TV station managers should pay attention to public perceptions of the audience to the program that broadcasted local TV. This study aims to prove whether psychological factors, conditional factors, and demographic factors associated with students' perceptions of Communication Faculty of Social Sciences UNS to information broadcast of local television TATV. According to Werner J. Severin, perception is influenced by several factors which authors summarized into three major factors as mentioned above. While the definition of information broadcast is a genre of display material broadcast television stations covering hard news and soft news. In this study information broadcast includes news and talk shows (hard news) and feature/ magazine/ documentary (soft news). The methodology used in this research is quantitative correlational study with a survey approach, and the technique of data gathering is using questionnaire as an instrument. The sample are students of Communication Studies level 2006-2009 with consideration, students who take these studies, the curriculum of learning are intimately associated with the mass media, that are media mass print and electronic (television and radio). Technique of sampling using stratified random sampling with a population characterized by gender and religion. To prove the hypothesis, techniques of data analysis used Spearman correlation test and Chi Square test. From the hypothesis test, obtained some results. Motivation to watch television and television media consumption habits that are psychological x factors have a significant relationship for the level of 5% with student perceptions of Communication Faculty of Social Sciences UNS to TATV‘s information broadcast with r s = 0.279 for the motivation factor and rs = 0.240 for factors television consume habits. Conditional factors also proved to have a relationship with students' perceptions of Communication Studies to information broadcast of local television TATV at 16.5% level of significance of rs = -0.156. While demographic factors proven Spearman’s test has no significant relationship with student perceptions of Communication Studies to information broadcast of local television TATVat significance level of 5%.
Penulis Utama : Nur Karima Shinta Dewi
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : D0206124
Tahun : 2011
Judul : Kesenjangan kepuasan pembaca media online (studi uses and gratification tentang kesenjangan kepuasan pembaca media online dan pada mahasiswa ilmu komunikasi FISIP UNS surakarta tahun 2011)
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - FISIP - 2011
Program Studi : S-1 Ilmu Komunikasi
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-FISIP Jur. Ilmu Komunikasi-D.0206124-2011
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Skripsi
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Sri Hastjarjo, S.Sos, Ph.D
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. ISIP
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