Penulis Utama : Yulianto Wardoyo
NIM / NIP : X2206022
× This research is about improving students’ vocabulary mastery through songs. The research is done to know whether songs improve students’ vocabulary mastery of SD Negeri 1 Tangkil and to find out how was the situation in the class when songs are used in teaching vocabulary in SD Negeri 1 Tangkil. The research is an action research. The researcher conducted the research from February 2010 – February 2011 on the third grade students of SD Negeri Tangkil 1 Sragen in the academic year 2010/2011. The researcher collected the data using qualitative and quantitative method. The quantitative data were collected from the students’ vocabulary scores, while qualitative data were collected from observations, interviews, and document analysis. The qualitative data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis, while the quantitative data were analyzed by comparing the results of the tests. The result of the research shows that song is an effective technique in improving students’ vocabulary mastery. The improvement can be seen in the form of students’ behaviour and students’ score. The students’ score of vocabulary increased after the research was conducted. The mean score of pre-test 1 was 5.20. It became 6.46 in post-test 1, and it increased again to 7.37 in post-test 2. In detail, it can be seen that the pronunciation aspect increased from 4.44 in pre-test become 5.31 in post-test 1 and 6.75 in post-test 2. In the aspect of meaning, it increased from 5.89 in pre-test become 7.58 in post-test 1 and 8.28 in post-test 2. In the spelling, the students’ score increased from 5.28 in pretest become 6.47 in post-test 1. It increased again to 7.11 in the second post-test. Besides, there is a change of students’ attitude in learning English that becomes more active. Moreover, songs creates an interesting atmosphere in the classroom. Then, from the research, it is known that song gives many advantages in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.