Penulis Utama : Ambar Rosidhah Qoonitah
NIM / NIP : F0208041
× This research is used to testing the dividend policy to stock price volatilition. Dividend policy mapped into dividend yield variable and dividend payout ratio to stock price volatilition and testing the domain influence between dividend yield and dividend payout ratio with size as variable control. This is explanatory research. Based on time dimention, this is pooled data research. The population are all non bank companies that listed in Bursa Efek Indonesia from 2007-2009 periods. The sample is taken using purposive sampling method. The sample is taken from companies that distribute the dividend continuity in this research period. The method for this research use 5% significancy in regression analysis, comparison adjusted R2, F test, and t test on dividend yield, dividend payout ratio and size variables. Testing result shows that dividend yield and dividend payout ratio have a positif influence and not significant with stock price volatilition. Beside stock price volatility with size as the control variable has non significant positive influence. Non significant result is showed in small value of adjusted R2 in regression with size (10,5%) and without size (8,3%). It shown that dividend yield, dividend payout ratio and size had no significant explanatory power. It can be concluded that those three variables are not main factor for investor and analist to predicted stock price volatilition