The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Teaching (5 E) in Teaching Readingviewed From Students’ Locus of Control (An Experiment Study on the First Year Students of SMKN I Banyudono in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)
Penulis Utama
Wahyu Trimastuti
×The main objectives of the research are to find out: (1) whether inquiry-based teaching is more effective than grammar-translation method to teach reading; (2) whether the students who have high locus of control have betterreading skill than those who have low locus of control; and (3) whether there is an interaction between teaching methods and locus of control in teaching reading.
The experimental method was employed in this reserach. The population of the research was the students of tenth grade of SMKN I Banyudono. The sampling technique used was Cluster Random Sampling. The sample in the research was 72 students covering 36 students of Accounting I as the experimental class and 36 students of Accounting II as the control class. The research instruments consisted of locus of control questionnaire and a reading skill test. Before the instruments were used, they were tried out to know their validity and reliability. The validity of the questionnaire and reading test items were measured using Correlation technique of Product Moment from Pearson at level of significance a = 0.05. The reliability of the reading test was measured using KR-21 technique from Kuder-Richardson. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured using Alpha Cronbach Formula. The prerequisite analysis tests were normality test and homogeneity test. The normality test was measured using Lilliefors technique. The obtained data showed that the population was normally distributed. The homogeneity test was conducted using Bartllet technique. The result showed that the population was homogenous. The technique used to analyze the data to test the hypotheses was Two-way ANOVA. The reserach design was a 2 by 2 factorial design at the level of significance a = 0.05. Tuckey’s test was conducted as the post-hoc test.
Based on the test of the hypotheses, the findings are: (1) inquiry based teaching is more effective than grammar-translation method to teach reading; (2) the students who have high locus of control have better reading skill than those who have low locus of control; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching methods and student’s locus of control in teaching reading.
Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that inquiry-based teaching is an effective method to teach reading. The effectiveness of the method is determined by the levels of the students’ locus of control. Therefore, it is suggested that: (1) it is better to apply inquiry-based teaching to teach reading to improve student’s reading skill; (2) the students are expected to be more active in the teaching and learning process in order to improve their reading skill; (3) this result of the study can be used as a beginning step to conduct a further research.
Penulis Utama
Wahyu Trimastuti
Penulis Tambahan
The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Teaching (5 E) in Teaching Readingviewed From Students’ Locus of Control (An Experiment Study on the First Year Students of SMKN I Banyudono in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)
Surakarta - Pascasarjana - 2012
Program Studi
S-2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
UNS-Pascasarjana Prog.Studi Pendidikan Inggris-S891008102-2012
Kata Kunci
Jenis Dokumen
Link DOI / Jurnal
1. Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd 2. Dr. Abdul Asib, M. Pd
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