Improving students’ writing skill using a four-phase technique (an action research conducted at the eleventh grade students of man 1 surakarta in the academic year 2011/2012)
Penulis Utama
Fitria Siti Utami
×This thesis aims to (1) describe whether and to what extent the use of
picture as the teaching media which is combined with a four-phase technique can
improve the students’ writing skill of narrative text; and (2) describe the class
situation when picture and a four-phase technique are implemented in the writing
The research design used in this research is an action researchwhich was
conducted in two cycles of action. The subject of the study is the students of class
XI IPA 3 of MAN 1 Surakarta in the academic year of 2011/2012. There are 24
students as the subject. The action research was conducted from February 6 th 2012
untilFebruary 29th 2012 in two cycles. Each cycle consists of three meetings, in
which there are four steps: planning, implementing, observation, and reflection.
The research data are collected by using observation, interview,document
analysis,and photograph. The data are analyzed through descriptive analysis
which consists of assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data,
building interpretation, and reporting the outcomes for the qualitative data and
descriptive statistics for the quantitative data.
Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that (1) teaching
writing by using a four-phase technique can improve students’ writing skill. It can
be viewed from the increasing of the students’ scores. The students’ pre-test mean
score is 56.42. It increased to 67.37 in the first post-test and rose to 73.58 in the
final post-test; (2) the situation of the teaching and learning process becomes more
enjoyable and most of the students are involved in the teaching and learning
process. During the action, the researcher finds that the students have shown their
improvement in theirwriting skill of narrative text such asthey are able to make
sentences correctly. In this aspect,the students got help and guidence from the
researcher’s explanation and examples. They also use many vocabularies in their
writing. By using picture as the media to teach writing, the students need shorter
time to generate the idea, so that they can finish the writing in time. Meanwhile,
concerning on the improvement of classroom situation, it involves the students do
their task eagerly and write enthusiatically and the students are more active and
they try to get involved in the classroom activity. Therefore, it can be concluded
that teaching writing by using a four-phase technique can improve the students’
writing skill and the situation in writing class.
Penulis Utama
Fitria Siti Utami
Penulis Tambahan
Improving students’ writing skill using a four-phase technique (an action research conducted at the eleventh grade students of man 1 surakarta in the academic year 2011/2012)