The Effectiveness Of Collaborative Strategic Reading (Csr) To Teach Content Area Reading Comprehension Viewed From Students’ Intelligence
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Refi Ranto Rozak
×This research aims at revealing: (1) whether or not Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) strategy is more effective than lecturing strategy in teaching content area reading comprehension; (2) whether the students who have high intelligence have better content area reading comprehension ability than those who have low intelligence; and (3) whether there is an interaction between teaching strategies and intelligence in teaching content area reading.
This experimental research was carried out in MAN 1 Bojonegoro in the academic year of 2012/2013 from September to November 2012. The population was the first semester of Rintisan Madrasah Bertaraf Internasional (RMBI) students in the academic year of 2012/2013. The number of population was three classes (72 students) that consisted of XI-Bilingual 1, XI- Bilingual 2, and XI-Bilingual 3. The samples were XI Bilingual-2 as the experimental group and XI Bilingual-3 as the control group. Each group consisted of 24 students. The experimental group was treated by using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) Strategy, while the control group was treated by using Lecturing Strategy. The post-test was conducted in form content area reading comprehension test. Before the content area reading comprehension test was administered to the both groups, it was firstly tried out to non-sample class to know the validity and the reliability of the test. Then, the data from the post-test were described using descriptive statistics and were tested their normality and homogeneity. It was found out that the data were in normal distribution and homogeneous. After that, the data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey test.
The data analysis shows that: (1) Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) Strategy is more effective than Lecturing Strategy in teaching content area reading; (2) students with high intelligence have better content area reading comprehension ability than those having low intelligence; and (3) there is no interaction between teaching strategies and intelligence in teaching content area reading.
Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) is an effective strategy in teaching content area reading for both high and low intelligence students. Therefore, it is recommended that: (1) teachers should be well-trained in using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR); (2) the students need to get accustomed to learning reading in content areas (science and social study); (3) the school needs to upgrade teachers’ competence; and (4) future researchers may conduct replication research with different sample and condition.
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Refi Ranto Rozak
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The Effectiveness Of Collaborative Strategic Reading (Csr) To Teach Content Area Reading Comprehension Viewed From Students’ Intelligence