The Effectiveness Of Think Pair Share Method To Teach Reading Comprehension Viewed From Students’ Motivation
Penulis Utama
Tauricha Astiyandha
×This research is aimed at finding out; (1) Think Pair Share is more effective
than Direct Instruction Method to teach reading comprehension; (2) Students who have
high motivation have better reading comprehension than students who have low
motivation; and (3) There is an interaction between teaching methods and students’
motivation in teaching reading comprehension.
The research was an experimental study. It was carried out at MAN 2 Metro in
the Academic year of 2012/2013. The population was the XI students of MAN 2 Metro
in the Academic Year of 2012/2013. It consists of nine classes (306 students). The
research used cluster random sampling to get the sample. It consists of two classes: (1)
34 students of XI A3, and (2) 34 students of XI A4. There are two instruments in the
form of test for collecting data: (1) 40 items of motivation questionnaire and (2) 40
items of reading test. The two instruments were valid and reliable after both were tried
out to the XI A5. The data were the result of reading test and analyzed by multifactor
analysis of variance 2x2 (ANOVA). Then, it was analyzed by Tukey test.
The result of data analysis shows that: (1) Think Pair Share Method is more
effective than Direct Instruction Method to teach reading comprehension because
Fo(7.501) > Ft (3.99) and qo (3.87) > qt (2.89); (2) Students having high motivation have better
reading comprehension than the students having low motivation because Fo(7.848) >
Ft(3.99) and qo(3.96)> qt(2.89) and; (3) There is an interaction between teaching methods and
students’ motivation in teaching reading comprehension because Fo(39.385) > Ft(3.99), and
the result of Tukey test shows that: (a) for the students having high motivation, Think
Pair Share Method differs significantly from Direct Instruction method to teach reading
because qo between A1B1 and A2B1(9.08) > qt (2.98) and Think Pair Share is more effective
than Direct Instruction Method to teach reading comprehension because the mean of
A1B1(78.06) > A2B1(61.12); and (b) for the students having low motivation, Direct
Instruction Method is significantly different from Think Pair Share Method to teach
reading comprehension because qo between A2B and A1B2(3.54) > qt(2.98) and Direct
Instruction Method is more effective than Think Pair Share Method to teach reading
comprehension because the mean of A2B2(67.65) is higher than A1B2(61.00)
Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that Think pair Share
Method is an effective method to teach reading. The research also shows that the effect
of teaching methods depends on level the students’ motivation.
Penulis Utama
Tauricha Astiyandha
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The Effectiveness Of Think Pair Share Method To Teach Reading Comprehension Viewed From Students’ Motivation