The Implementation Of Multiple Intelligences On The Process Of Teaching And Learning English (A Case Study on Fourth Grade Students of SD Kristen 3 Klaten in the Academic Year of 2012/2013)
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Fibriani Endah Widyasari
×This research aims at (1) describing the implementation of Multiple
Intelligences on the process of teaching and learning English on fourth grade
students of SD Kristen 3 Klaten in the academic year of 2012/2013 (2) identifying
the difficulties on implementing Multiple Intelligences on the process of teaching
and learning English on fourth grade students of SD Kristen 3 Klaten in the
academic year of 2012/2013 and (3) finding out the solutions can be offered by
teacher to overcome the difficulties on implementing Multiple Intelligences on the
process of teaching and learning English on fourth grade students of SD Kristen 3
Klaten in the academic year of 2012/2013. SD Kristen 3 Klaten is one of the
Elementary Schools in Klaten which applies the Multiple Intelligences.
The research was conducted at SD Kristen 3 Klaten which is located in
Jl. Seruni No. 8 Klaten Tengah, Klaten. The subject of the research was the
students the fourth grade students of SD Kristen 3 Klaten in 2012 which consist
of two classes, class A consisting 30 students and class B consisting 32 students.
The method of this research was Case Study Research. It applied to described the
phenomena happened by studying in depth a single case of the process on
implementing multiple intelligences on teaching and learning English. In
collecting the data, the writer used interview, classroom observation and
document. Having collected the data, the researcher analyzed the data in
qualitative research involves three things namely the data reduction, the data
presentation/display and the conclusion drawing/verification.
The result of the research revealed three major findings which consist of 1)
the description of implementation Multiple Intelligences in SD Kristen 3 Klaten in
the academic year of 2012/2013 which consist of (1) the document used on
implementing Multiple Intelligences, (2) English teaching and learning activity by
implementing Multiple Intelligences, (3) the other components supporting the
implementation of Multiple Intelligences on English teaching and learning process
and; 2) the difficulties found out on implementing Multiple Intelligences on the
process of teaching and learning English on fourth grade students of SD Kristen 3
Klaten in the academic year of 2012/2013; 3) solutions offered by teacher to
overcome the difficulties on implementing Multiple Intelligences on the process
of teaching and learning English on fourth grade students of SD Kristen 3 Klaten
in the academic year of 2012/2013.
In conclusion, the teacher had knowledge about multiple intelligences.
Specifically, she knew the main characteristic of multiple intelligences, theories of
multiple intelligences and the activities that could be implemented in multiple
intelligences. Hopefully the description of the implementation Multiple
Intelligences at this school can be used for English teaching development in other
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Fibriani Endah Widyasari
Penulis Tambahan
The Implementation Of Multiple Intelligences On The Process Of Teaching And Learning English (A Case Study on Fourth Grade Students of SD Kristen 3 Klaten in the Academic Year of 2012/2013)