Penulis Utama : Sulaeman Deni Ramdani
NIM / NIP : K2508028
× The objective of this research is to find out the relevance of practical subjects (MBK-Mata Kuliah Berkarya) concentrated on automotive engine in Educational Study Program in Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta with industrial need of automotive services and vocational high school. This research was done in study Program of PTM JPTK FKIP UNS, 12 automotive services industries, and 7 Vocational High School in Automotive Engineering Study Program. The 12 automotive services industries consists of 3 car workshops, 3 motorcycle workshops, 3 body-repair workshops, and 3 AC workshops in Surakarta. The 7 vocational high schools from Automotive Engineering Programs consists of 3 skill competences (KK) for light vehicle engineering (TKR) in Surakarta, 3 skill competences for motorcycle engineering (TSM) in Boyolali, and 2 skill competences for automotive body repair engineering (TPBO) in Boyolali. This research includes evaluation research using descriptive method with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The population in this research consist of 90 mechanics, 12 workshop chiefs, and 52 teachers from automotive engineering study programs in the vocational high schools. The sample is taken by using sampling purposive technique; with the number of research sample is 84 mechanics, 12 workshops chiefs, 8 productive teachers and 8 chiefs of skill competence in automotive engineering program in vocational high school. Instruments used in this research are questionnaire for quantitative data and independent research to get qualitative data. Data collecting technique in this research uses 4 techniques; they are interview with the workshop chief, skill competence chief, and productive teacher in vocational high school, observation to determine the workshop and the vocational high school as the place of the research, questionnaire to find out the frequency of works which are done by mechanics at the workshop, and documentation to know the curricula applied in study program of PTM JPTK FKIP UNS and the curricula of automotive engineering study program of vocational high school. The data validity test is conducted by using triangulation method, both triangulations of method and data sources. Data analysis technique used in this research is analysis of qualitative data with interactive analysis developed by H.B. Sutopo (2006). Based on the result of the research, it can be conclude: (1) appropriate level between MKB concentrated on automotive engineering of PTM JPTK FKIP UNS with industrial need of automotive services, for MKB group of automotive electricity is stated “very appropriate/ very high” (96.52 % is appropriate and 3.48 % is not appropriate), MKB group of automotive chassis stated “very appropriate/ very high” (88.16 % is appropriate and 11.84 % is not appropriate), MKB group of advanced burn motor practice stated “adequate/ high enough” (63.77 % is apropriate and 36.23 % is not appropriate), MKB group of motorcycle engineering stated “very appropriate/ very high” (100 % is appropriate), MKB group of automotive body engineering stated “adequate/ high enough” (57.91 % is apropriate and 42.09 % is not appropriate), and MKB group of car AC stated “very appropriate/ very high” (99.63 % is appropriate and 0.37 % is not appropriate). (2) the appropriate level between MKB concentrated on automotive automotive engineering of PTM JPTK FKIP UNS with Vocational High School in Automotive Engineering Study Program: for MKB group of automotive electricity is stated “appropriate/ high” (75 % is appropriate and 25 % is not appropriate), MKB group of automotive chassis stated “very appropriate/ very high” (94.5 % is appropriate and 5.5 % is not appropriate), MKB group of advanced burn motor practice stated “very appropriate/ very high” (100 % is apropriate), MKB group of motorcycle engineering stated “very appropriate/ very high” (100 % is appropriate), MKB group of automotive body engineering stated “low” (52.18 % is apropriate and 47.82 % is not appropriate), and MKB group of car AC stated “very appropriate/ very high” (100 % appropriate). (3) MKB concentrated on automotive engineering practice viewed from competence industrial need of automotive services and vocational high school in automotive engineering study program stated “very appropriate”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui relevansi mata kuliah berkarya (MKB) konsentrasi mesin otomotif pada program studi pendidikan teknik mesin Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta dengan kebutuhan industri jasa otomotif dan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di program studi PTM JPTK FKIP UNS, 12 industri jasa otomotif , dan 7 SMK Program Studi Teknik Otomotif. 12 industri jasa otomotif terdiri dari 3 bengkel mobil, 3 bengkel motor, 3 bengkel bodi, dan 3 bengkel AC di kota Surakarta. 7 SMK Program Studi Teknik Otomotif terdiri dari 3 kompetensi keahlian (KK) teknik kendaraan ringan (TKR) di kota Surakarta, 3 KK teknik sepeda motor (TSM) di kabupaten Boyolali, dan 2 KK teknik perbaikan bodi otomotif (TPBO) di kabupaten Boyolali. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian evaluasi, menggunakan metode deskriptif, dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 90 mekanik, 12 kepala bengkel, dan 52 guru di SMK program studi teknik otomotif. Sampel diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling, dengan jumlah sampel penelitian yaitu 84 mekanik, 12 kepala bengkel, 8 guru produktif, dan 8 ketua kompetensi keahlian di SMK program studi teknik otomotif. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah angket untuk data kuantitatif dan peneliti sendiri untuk mendapatkan data kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan 4 teknik, yaitu wawancara yang dilakukan ke kepala bengkel, ketua kompetensi keahlian dan guru produktif di SMK, observasi untuk menentukan bengkel dan SMK yang akan digunakan sebagai tempat penelitian, angket untuk mengetahui frekuensi pekerjaan yang dilakukan mekanik di bengkel, dan dokumentasi untuk mengetahui kurikulum yang diterapkan program studi PTM JPTK FKIP UNS dan kurikulum SMK program studi teknik otomotif. Uji validitas data menggunakan metode trianggulasi, yaitu trianggulasi metode dan trianggulasi data/sumber. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan analisis data kualitatif model analisis interaktif yang dikembangkan oleh H.B. Sutopo (2006). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan yaitu: (1) Tingkat kesesuaian antara MKB konsentrasi mesin otomotif PTM JTPK FKIP UNS dengan kebutuhan industri jasa otomotif yaitu, untuk kelompok MKB kelistrikan otomotif dinyatakan “Sangat Sesuai/ Sangat Tinggi” (96,52% sesuai dan 3,48 % tidak sesuai), kelompok MKB chasis otomotif dinyatakan “Sangat Sesuai/ Sangat Tinggi” (88,16 % sesuai dan 11,84 % tidak sesuai), kelompok MKB praktik motor bakar lanjut dinyatakan “Cukup Sesuai/ Cukup Tinggi” (63,77 % sesuai dan 36,23 % tidak sesuai), kelompok MKB teknik sepeda motor dinyatakan “Sangat Sesuai/ Sangat Tinggi” (100 % sesuai), kelompok MKB teknik body otomotif dinyatakan “Cukup Sesuai/ Cukup Tinggi” (57,91 % sesuai dan 42,09 % tidak sesuai), dan kelompok MKB AC mobil dinyatakan “Sangat Sesuai/ Sangat Tinggi” (99,63 % dan 0,37 % tidak sesuai). (2) Tingkat kesesuaian antara MKB konsentrasi mesin otomotif PTM JPTK FKIP UNS dengan SMK program studi teknik otomotif yaitu, untuk kelompok MKB kelistrikan otomotif dinyatakan “Sesuai/ Tinggi” (75 % sesuai dan 25 % tidak sesuai), kelompok MKB chasis otomotif dinyatakan “Sangat Sesuai/ Sangat Tinggi” (94,5 % sesuai dan 5,5 % tidak sesuai), kelompok MKB praktik motor bakar lanjut dinyatakan “Sangat Sesuai/ Sangat Tinggi” (100 % sesuai), kelompok MKB body otomotif dinyatakan “Rendah” (52,18 % sesuai dan 47,82 % tidak sesuai), dan kelompok MKB AC mobil dinyatakan “Sangat Sesuai” (100 % sesuai). (3) MKB konsentrasi mesin otomotif karya inovatif ditinjau dari kebutuhan kompetensi industri jasa otomotif dan SMK program studi teknik otomotif dinyatakan “ Sangat Sesuai
Penulis Utama : Sulaeman Deni Ramdani
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : K2508028
Tahun : 2012
Judul : Relevansi mata kuliah berkarya (MKB) konsentrasi mesin otomotif pada program studi pendidikan teknik mesin Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta dengan kebutuhan industri jasa otomotif dan sekolah menengah kejuruan
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - FKIP - 2012
Program Studi : S-1 Pendidikan Teknik Mesin
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-FKIP Jur. Teknik Mesin-K2508028-2012
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Skripsi
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Drs. Suwachid, M.Pd., M.T
2. Yuyun Estriyanto, S.T., M.T
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. Teknik
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