Penulis Utama : Nurchayati Indah P.
NIM / NIP : F3404047
× ABSTRAK The aims of this study are to describe the types of health services in some local government clinics (Puskesmas) and regional public hospital (RSUD) in Karanganyar Regency, which became the objects of the Health Services Retribution in RSUD and Puskesmas in Karanganyar Regency. to find out how much is the contribution of the revenue if the Health Services Retribution in RSUD and Puskesmas in Karanganyar Regency to the revenue of the Original Local Income (PAD) of Karanganyar Regency, to analyze the factors that influence the increasing / decreasing of revenue of the Health Services Retribution in RSUD and Puskesmas in Karanganyar Regency, and to analyze the problems arise in implementing the Health Services Retribution in Karanganyar Regency and how to analyze those problems. The result of the analysis on the level of effectiveness of the revenue of the Health Services Retribution in RSUD and Puskesmas in Karanganyar Regency shows that the Revenus of the Health Services Retribution in Karanganyar Regency from 2004 until 2006 has been appropriate with the established target. In the budgeting year of 2004, the realization of revenue has achieved Rp. 1,419,903,389.00 or 109.01% higher than the target being planned. In the budgeting year of 2005, the realization of revenue has achieved Rp. 1,385,420,624.00 or 102.25% higher than the target being planned. Whereas in the budgeting year of 2006, the revenue of the Health Services Retribution is Rp. 1,585,806,957.00 or 105.72 higher than the target being planned. Whereas the realixztion of revenue of the Health Services Retribution in RSUD Karanganyar in 2004 has achieved Rp. 4,279,451,118,00 or getting a positive increasing 102,7%. Whereas in 2005 and 2006, the realization of revenue of the Health Service Retribution in RSUD is not appropriate with the target being planned, that is Rp. 4,182, 741,4903, The result of the alalysis om the level of vontribution of the Healty Sevives Retribution revenue in RSUD and Puskesmes in Karanganyar Regenvy to the Original Local Income (PAD) revenue of Karanganyar Regency shows that Revenue in the budgeting year of 2004 until 2006 gives a contribution to the PAD as much as 0,367% in 2004; 0,346% in 2005 and 0,355% in 2006. Whereas the contribution of the Health Services Retribution Revenue in RSUD to the Karanganyar Regency PAD is 1.14% in 2004; 1.06% in 2005 and 0.97% in 2006.