Penulis Utama : Sri Wahyuningsih
NIM / NIP : K5408051
× Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Untuk menegetahui persebaran, ketercukupan dan kelengkapan fasilitas pendidikan di Kecamatan Mojolaban Tahun 2011. (2) Untuk mengetahui persebaran, ketercukupan dan kelengkapan fasilitas kesehatan di Kecamatan Mojolaban Tahun 2011. Sesuai dengan tujuan maka penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini bersifat populasi dengan jumlah fasilitas pendidikan (TK 36 unit, SD 46 unit, SMP 3 unit, SMA 1 unit), dan fasilitas kesehatan (Puskesmas 4 unit Puskesmas pembantu 3 unit, Rumah Bersalin 11 unit, Praktek Dokter 21 unit). Teknik sampling menggunakan random smpling atau sampel acak untuk memperoleh data mengenai kondisi dan kelengkapan fasilitas, dengan jumlah sampel yaitu: fasilitas pendidikan disediakan di Desa TK 15 dan SD 15 sampel, fasilitas disediakan di Kecamatan SMP dan SMA 1 sampel, puskesmas 1, pustu 1, rumah bersalin 5, praktek Dokter 5, dan apotek 5 sampel. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan dokumentasi berupa data ketersediaan fasilitas pendidikan dan kesehatan, observasi yang berupa kunjungan langsung fasilitas kesehatan dan fasilitas pendidikan melalui wawancara. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis data sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil dapat disimpulkan: (1) Ketercukupan fasilitas pendidikan TK Perhitungan dengan APM 52,8% cukup, 47,2% kurang, APK 20% cukup, 80% kurang ruang kelas dan 6TK kekurangan Guru, hanya 3 TK belum lengkap sarana prasarana, ketercukupan SD dengan APM 84,8% cukup, 15,22% kurang, dengan APK 66,7% cukup dan 33,3% kurang ruang kelas, 14 SD kekurangan Guru dan satu SD belum memiliki ruang perpustakaan, SMP tersedia 3 unit, dua diantaranya kekurangan ruang kelas, Guru sudah cukup. Kelengkapan sarana sudah lengkap dan kondisi gedung baik, SMA tersedia 1 SMA negeri, ruang kelas belum cukup, jumlah Guru sudah cukup, sarana dan prasarana sudah lengkap, kondisi. persebaran fasilitas pendidikan merata. (2) Ketercukupan fasilitas kesehatan puskesmas Kecamatan Mojolaban belum cukup, maka untuk mengimbanginya didirikan 4 puskesmas pembantu dan PKD di setiap Desa, kelengkapan sarana prasarana lengkap dan kondisi baik. Fasilitas kesehatan swasta sudah cukup, standar pelayanan sudah sesuai. Persebaran fasilitas kesehatan berkembang di sepanjang jalan utama. The objectives of research were: (1) to find out the distribution, adequacy and completeness of education facility in Mojolaban Subdistrict in 2011, (2) to find out the distribution, adequacy and completeness of health facility in Mojolaban Subdistrict in 2011. In line with the objective, the research employed a descriptive qualitative method. This study was a population research with the number of education facilities (36 units of Kindergarten, 46 units of Elementary School, 3 units of Junior High Schools, 1 units of Senior High School), and health facility (4 units Puskesmas, 3 Units of Subsidiary Puskesmas, 11 units of Maternal Clinics, 21 units of Physician Practice). The sampling technique used was random sampling one to obtain the data on the facility condition and completeness, with the following sample: the education facilities provided in Village were 15 kindergartens and 15 elementary school, those provided in Subdistrict were 1 sample of Junior and Senior High Schools, 1 puskesmas (public health center), 1 pustu, 5 maternal clinics, 5 Physician practice, and 5 pharmacies. Techniques of collecting data used were documentation in the form of education and health facilities availability, observation constituting the direct visit to the health and education facilities through interview. Technique of analyzing data used was a secondary data analysis. Considering the result of research, it could be concluded that: (1) the adequacy of education facility at Kindergarten calculation with APM to level was 52,8 % enough, 47,2 % was inadequate, APK to lavel was 20 % enough, 80 % was inadequate for classroom, and 6 kindergartens lacked the teacher, only 3 kindergartens having incomplete infrastructures, at Elementary School there were 46 units calculation with APM to level was 84,8% enough, 15,22% was inadequate, APK to lavel was 66,7% enough, 33,3% was inadequate for classroom, 14 elementary schools lacked the teacher. at Junior High School, there were 3 units, two of them lacked classroom, but the teacher number have been sufficient. The infrastructure had been completed. there was 1 public senior high school, with poor classroom, enough number of teacher, complete infrastructure, good condition of building. Characteristic of dissemination the education facility is to spread. (2) The health facility of Puskesmas in Mojolaban Subdistrict had been inadequate, for that reason, 4 subsidiary puskesmas and PKD were established in every village to compensate it; the infrastructure had been completed and the condition was good. The private health facilities had been sufficient, and their service had been consistent with the standard. Characteristic of dissemination the health facility to expand according at the road.
Penulis Utama : Sri Wahyuningsih
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : K5408051
Tahun : 2013
Judul : Evaluasi tingkat kecukupan fasilitas pendidikan dan kesehatan kecamatan Mojolaban tahun 2011
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - FKIP - 2013
Program Studi : S-1 Pendidikan Geografi
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-FKIP Jur. Pendidikan IPS-K5408051-2013
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Skripsi
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Dr.Sarwono, M.Pd
2. Danang Endarto ST,
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. KIP
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