A translation analysis of interrogative clauses in the novel “the privilege of youth” into “the privilege of youth, sebuah kisah nyata
Penulis Utama
Tarida Devi Mayangsari
×This research belongs to a qualitative research employing descriptive method. It is aimed to compare the interrogative clauses in the novel “The Privilege of Youth” and its translation to find out the types of interrogative clauses and to find out the quality assessment that cover readability, acceptability and accuracy of interrogative clauses in its translation.
This research applies purposive sampling as the sampling technique, since the samples are chosen and determined by the researcher. This research is conducted based on primary and secondary data. The primary data consists of 165 numbers of interrogative clauses taken from the novel The Privilege of Youth and its translation. The secondary data were taken by distributing questionnaires to some experts and English Diploma students.
The results of data analysis shows that the types of interrogative clause in the novel are Wh – Question divided into six sub categories; What, How, Why, Which, Who, and Where; Yes / No – Question divided into Elliptic Yes/No-Question and Simple Yes/No-Question; and Question Tag. Meanwhile, the translation is readable for the target readers; almost acceptable and the accuracy is almost accurate.
It is hoped that this thesis will be helpful for the students in broadening their knowledge about translating interrogative clause and can stimulate other researchers to conduct a further study related to translation of interrogative clause. This research is also recommended to the English students especially who take translation study as their subject that they must have enough knowledge by reading a lot of translation books including this research and practice translating if they want to be succeed in conducting such research. It is suggested to translators that in translating interrogative clauses, they must understand the meaning and can imagine the way the speaker speaks so they will be able to deliver the right message to the target readers and they can use this research as a reference. Moreover, to the other researchers, it is important to be careful in analyzing data such interrogative clauses. Furthermore, to avoid some mistakes they can use this research as a related study.
Penulis Utama
Tarida Devi Mayangsari
Penulis Tambahan
A translation analysis of interrogative clauses in the novel “the privilege of youth” into “the privilege of youth, sebuah kisah nyata