Penulis Utama : Moh. Fuadul Matin
NIM / NIP : S891202037
× The objectives of this study are to discover specific English foreign language learning strategies used by students categorized as good language learners in learning English and to identify the influence of language learning strategies to their achievement in learning English. This research was conducted on four students in the SMA Negeri 2 Bojonegoro categorized as good learners of English. The data for this research were taken from in depth interviews, observation, filling up questionnaires, and document analysis. The result of this study shows that 1) student 1 used cognitive strategies and memory strategiesin learning English. These learning strategies employed the student gained bestmark in each English test. 2) student 2 used cognitive strategies and affective strategies. By using those learning strategies student 2 could improve speaking skill and get good score in English exam, 3) student 3 used memory, affective and metacognitive. Learning strategies that student 3 used was very useful in improving English speaking skill and getting good score in English exam. 4) Student 4 used social, compensation, and affective strategies in learning English. By applying those learning strategies, she always got good score in English lesson. It can be concluded that learning strategies of the students is very useful and helpful in learning English as foreign language. Learning strategies are believed to be responsible for successful language acquisition and a significant determinant of ultimate success in language learning. Thus, in learning English as a foreign language, good language learning strategies are significant. Learners need to know how to learn, and teachers need to know how to facilitate their process. Hopefully this study will also inspire other researchers who are interested in conducting research on other aspects of language learning strategies. Keywords: Language Learning Strategies, Good Learner, English as Foreign Language