Penulis Utama : Muhammad Rizal Fikry
NIM / NIP : C0308048
× This research examines the comparative formalistic analysis of Mark Twain’s three short stories. This is a qualitative research. The main data are three short stories from the book entitled Short Stories by Mark Twain. Related books, journals, articles, online references, and other academic writings are used as the supporting data. The objectives of this research are to explain whether those three short stories reach its unity or not and compare the unity among those three short stories. New Criticism theory and Formalistic Approach are applied in this research. The theory focuses on the internal characteristic of the short story, examines the elements (setting, point of view, plot, style, and theme) which builds the story and avoids the external elements of the story. New Criticism is known as a contradictory theory, but in this research, New Criticism is shown as a fully applicable theory with its own uniqueness in examining the literary works. This research comes out with two main results. The first analysis finds out that each of those three short stories reaches its unity; the elements of fiction and the paradoxes support one and another to build one good realistic story. The second analysis, which is in the form of comparative analysis on the unity of those three short stories, finds out that there are four similarities and two differences. Based on that comparative analysis, the values of the stories break the proverb; they that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind. That proverb shows that everything has consequences, but the essence of this proverb is totally reversed in all of those short stories. It is recommended for other researchers to do a research by using New Criticism and Formalistic Approach with other angles and themes. Despite the contradiction of the emergence of the theory, New Criticism is fully applicable theory.