Penulis Utama : Wijayanto Puji Kartiko
NIM / NIP : D0309052
× Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi sub program pengajaran yang dinamakan kelas mengajar oleh Solo mengajar. Program ini sudah berjalan dalam jangka waktu 1 tahun dan taman anak cerdas Mojosongo menjadi tempat pelaksanaan program ini. Penelitian ini berjenis evaluasi kualitatif. Menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP yang Daniel Stufflebeam, dimana CIPP sendiri merupakan akronim dari tahapan Context, Input, Process dan Product.Tehnik pengumpulan data terdiri dari pengumpulan arsip, observasi, wawancara dan juga pemberian tes pada anak didik untuk mengetahui dampak pengajaran. Solo mengajar bisa dikatakan sebuah organisasi swadaya yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan bagi anak di sekitar wilayah kotas Surakarta. Kegiatan pengajaran yang diberikan pada anak didik dilakukan oleh relawan pengajar pada jam yang sudah ditentukan yakni jam 4 sore dan jam 7 malam.. Kehadiran Taman anak cerdas sendiri merupakan salah satu perwujudan dari program " Kota layak anak ", kebijakan mengenai Surakarta sebagai kota layak anak sendiri sudah ditetapkan dengan dikeluarkanya Surat Keputusan Walikota Surakarta No.130.05/08/1/2008. Evaluasi pengajaran di TAC Mojosongo menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP(Context, Input, Process, Product). Tahapan context adalah tahapan yang akan meneliti kebutuhan dan tujuan pemenuhan kebutuhan program tersebut. Input penimbangan sumber dan srategi untuk mencapai tujuan umum & khusus program. Kemudian Process adalah tahapan meneliti mengenai pelaksanaan penilaian yang telah dirancang sebelumnya akan dipratekkan di lapangan. Terakhir product yakni penilaian terhadap hasil penilaian yang sudah ada, sudahkah tercapai dengan tujuan penelitian. Aspek ini akan menjadi alat ukur untuk aspek program pengajaran yang terbagi menjadi 6 aspek, ke 6 aspek ini dipilih karena dinilai berhubungan erat dan langsung terhadap proses berlangsungnya program pengajaran. Aspek program pengajaran tersebut yakni aspek materi pengajaran, kurikulum pengajaran, interaksi pengajaran, gesture pengajaran, motivasi pengajaran dan efektivitas kelas. Pengajaran di TAC Mojosongo muncul beberapa kendala yang umumnya terjadi selama proses pengajaran berlangsung seperti, minimnya pengalaman mengajar, menjadikan kegiatan pengajaran mempunyai konsep kegiatan yang berbeda beda di tiap kelasnya. Sehingga banyak pengajar yang menjadikan waktu kelas pengajaran juga sebagai ajang untuk mencari pengalaman mengajar. Kata kunci: pengajaran, pendidikan, anak didik, pengajar The porpouse of this thesis is to evaluate sub teaching program which name teaching class which made by Solo mengajar. This program has been existed for a year and Mojosongo smart park become first locust for this program. This thesis using CIPP evaluation method which acknowledged by Daniel Stufflebeam, CIPP means of each stage evaluation thus is Context, Input, Process and Product. The method to gathered all the data is gained from directory, observation, interview and also test for students to know the effect from teaching program.Solo mengajar could be acknowleged as organization which focus on children education, especially at around Surakarta city. Teaching event which give to the the children was given by teaching volunteer from Solo mengajar at time which have been make before,it is on 16.00 and 19.00. Place to educate the children , acknowledged as smart kids park which located around at Surakarta city. The presence of smart education park as step to realize " Children tolerated city" program. This Surakarta goverment support this program, by declare Surakarta city major policy letter No. 130.05/08/1/2008. The evaluation of teaching program at Mojosongo smart children park will use CIPP(Context, Input, Process, and Product) method to analyze the problem. Context is a stage that analyze the needs and porpouse to fulfill the needs from the teaching program. Then, input is to analyze resources and srategy to fulfill the main and the private porpuse from this teaching program. Process is that evaluate the realizetation of the evaluation stage before which happens at the researchfield. The last is product stage which analyze the result from all evaluation stage before hass been occur at researchfiled. All the CIPP stage will become measure method to evaluate teaching program components which has been divided into 6 parts. Each parts has been choose basicly because has the strong bonds to realize the teaching program event occur, the 6 components it is teaching curicullum, teaching motivation, teaching matter, teaching interction, teaching gesture ad class efficiacy. The result from this teaching program evaluation at Mojosongo smart park, apparently is good enough if we look from phsyc resources and human resources. Some lack from this program such the teaching curricullum, teachers’s training and also class efectivity in each stage. As the ones as smart park teaching movement, this movement make a lot of people to join with it, especially the college people which wants to get teaching experience and also share the knowledge for the students. If we look the teaching program at Mojosongo smart park, it will appears some problem that often appears during teaching process. The less teaching experiences, make every stage have a different activity than another one. That’s conclude, if many teacher use this moments to get teaching exeperience. Key word: Educatoin, teaching, students, teacher
Penulis Utama : Wijayanto Puji Kartiko
Penulis Tambahan : 1.
NIM / NIP : D0309052
Tahun : 2014
Judul : Evaluasi program pengajaran di taman anak cerdas Mojosongo, Surakarta
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - F. ISIP - 2014
Program Studi : S-1 Sosiologi
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-F. ISIP Jur. Sosiologi-D.0309052-2014
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Skripsi
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Bagus Haryono, M.Si
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. ISIP
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